Clinton Slush Fund not doing to well

Good day all. Recently, Felonia von Pantsuit has been making noises about running for President again in 2020. She has been basically told to forget about it. However, aside from the fact that she thinks she was robbed in 2016, there is another reason she is making these noises. Money.

Yes, Felonia, that greedy bitch, wants to run again for the money. Of course, if she won, that would be frosting on the cake, and would also allow her and Bubbu Horndog even more looting opportunities. In this case, the reasoning is simple. “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation are way down now. Here are the details on why from Fox News:

Newly released tax documents showing a plunge in Clinton Foundation donations after Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election defeat have fueled long-standing Republican allegations of possible “pay-to-play” transactions at the organization, amid a Justice Department probe covering foundation issues.

The tax filings, which were made public this month, show the Clinton Foundation pulled in $62.9 million in 2016, but only $26.6 million the following year, representing a nearly 58 percent drop. Tax documents for 2018 are not yet available.

No one is really surprised of course. The Clinton Crime Cartel has lost market share and influence. Why would anyone want to pay them bribes when they won’t get anything in return, like American Uranium mines? Of course, the Slush Fund managers put it differently.

A spokesman for the foundation told The New York Post, which first reported the figures, that they “anticipated a decline” in 2017 and said it was “largely attributable to the absence of sponsorship and membership contributions for CGI [Clinton Global Initiative].” The final CGI meeting was held in 2016, and the wind-down was a likely factor in the donation drop.

But the filings further emboldened congressional Republicans concerned the foundation benefited first from Clinton’s position atop the State Department and later as a presidential candidate, by way of donors seeking political favors — only for that cash flow to dry up when it was clear Hillary Clinton was out of government.

“The remarkable significance of the drop in Clinton foundation donations raises grave concerns their operations were not above board as the American people have been led to believe,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said in a statement to Fox News. “Whenever we look at the possibility of ‘pay to play’ by government officials, current or former, it demands answers–and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable.”

During the Obama Regime, when Felonia von Pantsuit was Secretary of Defense, an interesting thing kept occurring. Foreign leaders and businesses that wanted something from the State Department would make a “Donation” to the Clinton Slush fund and low and behold, they would get what they wanted.

Of course, the CommuNazis in Congress, along with the corrupt thugs in the Obama Justice department did everything they could to hide, bury or destroy any evidence of wrong doing. Now that the CommuNazis have taken control of the House again, watch them promptly end any investigations into the criminal wrong doing of the Obama Regime in general and the specific allegations against Felonia von Pantsuit.

The scrutiny of the Clinton Foundation, however, will likely continue to be overshadowed by the expected conclusion of Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election.

Because there was none, at least none on from the Trump campaign. On the other hand, it’s beginning to look like the Democrats were buried up to their eyeballs with regards to the Russians.

Trump continues to deny any such collusion, while suggesting as recently as Monday that Democratic figures should face similar scrutiny.

When Mueller does his final report, will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble, will he be recommending action on all of the crimes of many kinds from those ‘on the other side’ (whatever happened to Podesta?), and will he be putting in statements from hundreds of people closely involved with my campaign who never met, saw or spoke to a Russian during this period?” Trump tweeted Monday.

The answer is simple President Trump. The entire Mueller Inquisition was never about finding the truth, it was always to protect the criminal actions of the CommuNazis and other Deep State actors. Mueller is growing desperate. He hasn’t been able to find anything, (Because there was nothing to find), and his latest “Prize” Cohen is such damaged goods as to be worthless.

He’s already trying to repudiate the plea agreement he made with Paul Manafort over the news that Manafort’s lawyers were also talking with president Trump’s lawyers. The information, not yet validated, seems to indicate that Mueller and his thugs have been trying to force perjured testimony from Manafort and others. If true, Mueller is done and his cases will, once again, fall apart.

As for Felonia von pantsuit, Bubba Horndog and the Clinton Slush Fund? I am hoping that with Sleepy Sessions out of the picture, a real investigation will take place. If that happens, and the evidence proves that she was selling her office, a nice criminal indictment would be a great start to the new year.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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