Democrats want tax cuts for the liberal rich

Good day all. Well, the CommuNazis, (Formally known as Democrats), have finally admitted what many have always known. They want to protect their wealthy liberal donor friends at the expense of everyone else.

When President Trump and the Republicans pushed through the tax cuts last year, the one group that didn’t benefit were the super rich in the deep blue, (Liberal run), states. They actually got hammered. We saw how the CommuNazis like Senile Nancy Pelosi reacted. They called the tax cuts, which gave people in the lower and middle class hundreds to thousands more dollars in their bank accounts, “Crumbs.”

The other parts of the tax cuts, the part for corporations, caused them to start bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars that had been parked overseas. The corporations paid a one time, significantly lower rate and then used that money to pay bonuses, upgrade and add new manufacturing slots and start hiring millions of Americans. This also drove the CommuNazis nuts since it showed they had no real interest in helping people find jobs.

Now the Democrats are saying that the rich need a tax cut. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

They criticized President Trump’s tax cut bill as a giveaway to the rich, but now congressional Democrats are eyeing their own $620 billion tax break that would go heavily to wealthier Americans.

As they prepare to take control of the House, one high priority for Democrats from northeastern states is to look at rolling back the $10,000 limit on state and local tax deductions included in the Republicans’ 2017 overhaul of the federal tax system.

Gee whiz Batman, I thought that the CommuNazis hated the rich and wanted them to pay their fair share. Are you saying that the CommuNazis lied?

But analysts say repealing the state and local tax limit is worth just dollars to the average middle-class taxpayer. For the wealthy, though, the proposal could lower tax bills by tens of thousands of dollars. The Tax Policy Center recently found that more than 96 percent of the tax cuts that would come from repealing the cap would go to the top 20 percent of households in terms of income.

In my case, it would have no effect at all. The Anger Central Primary Dwelling’s mortgage comes in significantly below the ceiling that the new tax law imposed. However, for ultra-rich liberals in the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts, who live in multimillion dollar condos and houses, it would be a big benefit to them. It would also free up more cash for them to donate to their favorite CommuNazi party hack.

The left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy concluded this month that 63 percent of the tax benefits that would result from axing the cap would go to the richest 1 percent of taxpayers.

Paging Alexandria Occluded-Cortex! Paging Alexandria Occluded-Cortex! Are you on board with soaking the middle class and helping “The rich one percenters?” I thought you supported the “Occupy Wall Street types?

Democrats say those wealthy folks deserve some relief and argue that they were targeted because they live in high-tax states where most voters are Democrats.

Rep. Richard E. Neal, the Massachusetts Democrat in line to chair the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee next year, said the state and local tax limit should be revisited as part of an overall examination of how Republicans’ law is working after one year.

The law is working very well thank you and in ways we didn’t imagine. Last year, who knew that the CommuNazis would be proven to be flat out liars and hypocrites when it came to taxes on the rich? Well, to be honest, they believe in soaking those who don’t support them. The rich that do? They will make sure to funnel as much government money to them as they can.

But Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the outgoing Republican chairman, said restoring the old law would mean a tax cut of about $10 for the middle class. Bills for millionaire households, Mr. Brady said, would be reduced by $140,000 a year.

It is a huge tax cut for the wealthy,” he said. “I do expect them to make a run at it.”

Of course they will. They have been told that they must protect “Their kind of people” no matter what.

Democrats counter that while the rich may benefit the most, there are numerically more middle-class taxpayers who will end up ahead. They pointed to IRS data that show nearly 90 percent of taxpayers who claim the state and local tax deduction make less than $200,000.

We also don’t live in 10,000 square foot, multimillion dollar mansions with huge mortgage payments either.

It’s a big issue in many states across the country. It’s a real whack on middle-class families,” said Sen. Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat and a member of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee.

When has that criminal, Menendez, ever given a damn about the middle class? Winning a photo finish with a federal prosecutor doesn’t seem to have taught him anything.

Democrats and others widely derided the law after it passed for being a giveaway to the wealthy,” said Steve Wamhoff, director of federal policy at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. “Proposing to amend the tax law in a way that would primarily benefit the top 1 percent conflicts with the principles [Democrats] defined.”

Never let it be said that the CommuNazis were consistent. Well, they are to some extent. They are consistently wrong.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Democrat and a Ways and Means member, said Democrats aren’t pledging to reverse the Republican tax cuts. He said they are only beginning to examine the effects of the 2017 law’s changes.

Actually, the CommuNazis have been promising to repeal the tax cuts. Just ask Nancy Pelosi and the other moonbats.

There’s lots of studies — that’s why you have hearings,” said Mr. Blumenauer. “There are lots of people who have big property tax bills in red states who are going to get surprised and most of them are Republicans. There are more Republicans than Democrats in this country that are net losers.”

I find that amusing, since most of the “Super Rich” have been donating to the CommuNazi party for the last few decades. Will some Republicans take a hit? Of course. However, Blumenaur has completely missed the point. (Par for the course for most CommuNazis)

The tax problems are happening in the CommuNazi controlled blue states. The ones that have jacked taxes through the roof. For decades, they’ve been relying on the tax receipts from the low tax states collected by the Feds and being used to supplement and subsidize their out of control spending. The new tax law ends that.

What the CommuNazi excuses show is that they will always put themselves and their wealthy donor allies ahead of anyone else. Now they are beginning to admit the truth. For them, it will always be “The Party first, Last and Always!” They will always protect themselves and their personal wealth. For all the rest of us in Flyover country? Hand over the cash!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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