The tables turned on Mueller?

Good day all. We have been watching the flat out abuse of the law by Robert Mueller and his band of thugs for two years. He was brought in to “Investigate” Russian interference in the 2016 election. What he was really brought in for was to “Get Trump!”

He hasn’t been all that successful. He brought a series of charges against several Russian companies, one of which was found to not have existed in 2016. Another group he brought charges against had the temerity to actually show up in court. The latter showed that the charges were all for show and that Mueller never expected any of the accused to come in.

The few convictions he has gotten have been primarily plea deals, and in the case of Paul Manafort, charges that had nothing to do with the 2016 election and that appear to be questionable. Most of the plea agreements were for the charge of “Lying to the investigators.” Basically Mueller and his minions were setting up perjury traps with the goal of getting people to turn on President Trump.

Well, one of Mueller’s targets is fighting back and hard. He has filed criminal charges against Mueller for attempting to suborn perjury. Here are the details from Fox News:

Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump. The complaint, which Corsi had threatened for days, is the latest escalation between Mueller’s team and its investigation targets.

The 78-page document, asserting the existence of a “slow-motion coup against the president,” was filed to a range of top law enforcement officials including Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, D.C.’s U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu and the Bar Disciplinary Counsel.

Dr. Corsi has been criminally threatened and coerced to tell a lie and call it the truth,” the complaint states.

Considering the past history of Mueller and his “Investigators,” it’s very likely they have been trying to blackmail people into lying on the stand. Recently, Mueller exploded, and is in the process of canceling a plea agreement with Paul Manafort when it came out that Manafort’s lawyers were talking to president Trump’s lawyers. Other people on his “Team” were caught railroading innocent people into jail by hiding exculpatory evidence. (Senator Ted Stevens)

Corsi, who wrote the anti-President Obama book “The Obama Nation” and is connected with political operative Roger Stone, has claimed for the past week that he was being improperly pressured by Mueller’s team to strike a plea deal which he now says he won’t sign.

According to Corsi’s complaint, they wanted him to demonstrate that he acted as a liaison between Stone and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on one side and the Trump campaign on the other, regarding the release of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee.

For those who may not recall, someone handed over thousands of documents to Wikileaks showing how the Democrats rigged the primaries against Comrade Bernie Sanders and how the DNC was essentially being used as a slush fund for the Felonia von Pantsuit campaign. They still haven’t determined who broke into the servers, but there have been a number of rumors that Seth Rich, who was later murdered in a still unsolved case, was the one to give the documents to Wikileaks.

The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others. The purported threat of a false statement charge, according to the complaint, pertains to a July 2016 email from Stone asking him to “get to” Assange and get the pending emails.

This is where these perjury traps get tricky. It’s one thing to knowingly flat out lie, but quite another to simply not accurately recall something. Human memory is imperfect.

Corsi’s complaint says he was unable to initially give “accurate” testimony on that point, until he could reload emails on his laptop. The complaint says he later amended his answers. In an interview last week with Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Corsi said Mueller’s team “was happy” with his answers until he couldn’t “give them what they wanted.”

And we all know what Mueller and his crew of thugs wanted. Admission that President Trump was wholly owned by Vladimir Putin so they could impeach him and then prosecute him. Recall that the whole Mueller inquisition was based on a fraudulent dossier purporting to be from Russia that has turned out to have been bought and paid for by Felonia von Pantsuit and the Democrat National Committee.

I honestly have no idea how this will play out. If Mr. Corsi and his lawyer have hard evidence that Mueller was trying to blackmail Mr. Corsi into perjuring himself, then Mueller is through. His investigation will be shut down and at best, he will be disbarred along with most of the lawyers in his investigation. At worst? He could be indicted and put on trial. We can only hope.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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