CommuNazi Ted Deutch proposes bill to punish Americans

Good day all. I will admit I haven’t heard much about this totalitarian fool, Representative Ted Deutch, (CommuNazi, FL), of late. I didn’t know he was still in office, or even still alive. Sadly he is and he has come up with another proposal near and dear to his heart, the Carbon Tax.

The Carbon Tax is beloved by the CommuNazi elite because it allows them to utterly control all aspects of American life, all under the guise of stopping Global Warming or Climate Change. The Carbon tax has been consistently rejected by everyone on both sides of the political spectrum. However, this totalitarian tool won’t give up. Here are the details from Americans for Tax Reform:

Democrat Florida Congressman Ted Deutch has introduced a carbon tax bill to impose a new national energy tax on the American people. The bill is a massive tax increase which will increase utility bills and the price of all products and services. In classic politician-speak, Deutch has dubbed it “The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2018.”

Voters across the USA — even in blue areas — have consistently rejected carbon taxes when faced with the issue at the ballot box. See the timeline here. On top of that, Paris is burning as hundreds of thousands of French citizens — yes even the French — protest that country’s own carbon taxes.

The French protests really are serious. Their normal protest season is in the summer when they can riot during a nice, sunny day. Rioting in this weather is giving the French Elite some serious pause, and Macron’s popularity is in the toilet.

Despite all this, Democrat Deutch just can’t take a hint.

Of course not! CommuNazis never listen to anyone other than themselves. Why? They consider anyone else’s opinion to be vastly inferior tot heirs and not worth listening to.

Let’s look at the details of Deutch’s horrible bill:

Imposes a massive and continually racheting national energy tax, allowing politicians to raise taxes without ever having to vote.

Oh that one is a perennial favorite of CommuNazi’s and Uniparty RINO’s.

Just like the French proposal that starts with a big tax that gets more oppressive with time, the bill imposes a $15 per ton carbon (energy) tax, increasing by $10 per year into the future. Within five years the tax would automatically rise to $55 per ton. For reference, the carbon tax handily rejected by blue Washington state voters in November started at $15 and ratcheted up by $2 per year. Perhaps Deutch thinks the voters just want to be taxed at even higher rates.

Of course he does. He’s a moonbat. He knows what people want and he will tell them what they want. If they don’t actually want it, well, they’re wrong and to ignorant to know what’s good for them. And where does all this money go to?

Shovels taxpayer money into a giant vat for IRS, EPA, and State Department bureaucrats. The IRS and EPA will develop a cozy relationship — and what’s not to love about that — to siphon cash from the vat of taxpayer funds for what the bill calls “Administrative Expenses” and “Other Administrative Expenses.” For reasons unclear, State Department bureaucrats will also have access to the vat of taxpayer funds.

So the money will be used to hire more bureaucrats to oppress anyone who might not agree with their rulings? Got it.

Gives broad powers to IRS chief to find new products and entities to be carbon-taxed. The IRS is directed to work with the EPA in order to find more tax targets: “Any manufactured or agricultural product which the [Treasury] Secretary in consultation with the [EPA] Administrator determines” is a tax target. The newly-carbon-taxed items will be added to the long list already specified in the bill: Iron, steel, steel mill products including pipe and tube, aluminum, cement, glass, fiberglass, pulp, paper, chemicals, and industrial ceramics.

Oh really? I do believe that comes under the guise of “Taxation without Representation.” I do believe that was one of the reasons we decided to tell the British to go away back in the 1770’s.

Gives broad powers to the EPA chief. The bill gives czar-like powers to the EPA chief including the power to impose “monitoring, reporting, and record-keeping requirements” on Americans. The bill also gives the EPA chief power to conduct investigations and force “information collection.”

Considering the recent actions of the EPA under the Obama regime, (Sending out swat teams to threaten people), and the willful abuse of Citizens, I can see how that will end. There will be at least one bloodbath. Then we have this little gem right out of the People’s Republic of China.

Establishes a creepy DC-based “Carbon Dividend Trust Fund” that seeks a backdoor two-child limit on families. The “Carbon Dividend Trust Fund” leftovers will somehow be routed from DC on a per-person basis and households with more than two children are considered unworthy: The legislative language specifically imposes “a limit of 2 children per household.”

Oh really? And if a woman gets pregnant a third time, what then? Mandatory forced abortion? That’s what they do in China.

Here it is, straight from the bill text:

A carbon dividend payment is one pro-rata share for each adult and half a pro-rata share for each child under 19 years old, with a limit of 2 children per household, of amounts available for the month in the Carbon Dividend Trust Fund.”

It goes on and on, until we get to this part, the creation of a secret police force to go after anyone who might object.

Authorizes armed carbon tax enforcement agents.

The bill authorizes armed carbon tax enforcement agents to collect the new tax on energy used by Americans. As if customs enforcement doesn’t already have enough on its plate, the bill states:

The revenues collected under this chapter may be used to supplement appropriations made available in fiscal years 2018 and thereafter –

(1) to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in such amounts as are necessary to administer the carbon border fee adjustment.”

Oh that won’t end well. We already have law enforcement officers getting shot at by the criminal element and some nuts. This will ramp the violence to the point of civil war. We already have to many goons with badges as it is. Putting this in place almost guarantees that there will be a reaction by regular folks, they kind of people who actually plan things out and know what they are doing.

In researching this post, I wandered off to Wikipedia and looked Deutch up. This fascist pig is right out of Hollyweird’s Central Casting for Evil Villains. He actually proposed an amendment to the Constitution to strip away the Freedom of Speech rights of people and corporations. He also, in a surprise to no one, opposes the 2nd Amendment.

His ignorance is only outweighed by his arrogance. His is a radical leftist and a literal totalitarian. He does not believe in the Constitution and makes Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Occluded-Cortex look downright moderate. Thankfully, his totalitarian ideas will never become law. What he does need is a competent opponent in 2020, one who will show the district what a tyrant wannabe they keep electing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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