Conservative Gun owning female not welcome here

Good day all. Once again, we have the perpetually offended taking offense against someone who disagrees with them politically and has taken her constitutional rights to heart. A Harvard student has being thrown into the street by her landlord because she’s a gun owner.

Now the interesting parts to all this is that the victim is a Harvard student, a gun owner and apparently a Trump supporter. It’s unusual to have the last two items combined with the first item these days. Here are the details of what is happening from The Free Beacon:

A Massachusetts landlord told a Harvard University graduate student that he wanted her to move out of her apartment because her legally owned firearms made some of her roommates uncomfortable.

“Since it’s clear that Leyla wants to keep her firearms, it would be best for all parties if she finds another place to live,” Dave Lewis, president of Avid Management, said in an email to the household obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

And how did her Snowflake roommates find out she owned guns? They did it by violating Ms. Pirnie’s right to be secure in her home and possessions, in this case, her room.

The request that the student, Leyla Pirnie, move out came after her roommates searched her room while she was not home and found her firearms. That prompted one of the roommates to email Lewis requesting he verify that Pirnie was in compliance with applicable firearms laws.

“We discussed with Leyla that all of us are uncomfortable with having firearms in the house, and that their presence causes anxiety and deprives us of the quiet enjoyment of the premise to which we are entitled,” the roommate wrote to Lewis.

Oh boo freaking hoo you whiny little Progressive bitches. It never crossed your Antifa sized brain that her being there with her lawfully owned firearms, (And in the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts, exercising your 2nd Amendment rights is considered a crime), actually protects you and the other precious snowflake in case one of the “undocumented immigrants” or economically challenged minorities you’re so enamoured with decides to come in, rob the place, rape you and then slit your throats? Of course not. Progressives like those two are professional victims and can’t wait to be victimized.

Pirnie said she feels her roommates violated her privacy and now they and her landlord are trying to violate her rights.

“A few weeks ago, I came back to my apartment from a weekend trip and was confronted by one of my roommates who asked if I had guns in the house,” she told the Free Beacon. “After being told far too many lies to count, my roommates finally admitted that they searched my closet, under my bed, and all of my drawers in pursuit of finding my guns.”

Oh there is no doubt that those two idiots violated Ms. Pirnie’s rights. As to the landlord ordering her out, I can’t say. It is private property after all. However, there are things like the lease agreements they all signed. This is something for the courts to decide regarding the landlord. As for the two roommates? I think Ms. Pirnie has an excellent civil case against them.

While she was given several different explanations for why the roommates entered and searched her room, the 24-year-old said she felt her political beliefs and where she is from played a significant role in the roommates’ actions.

How did she get into Harvard, not being a Moonbat and all?

“When I asked them why they were in my room to begin with, they each came up with completely contradicting stories (none of which made any sense), but one comment struck me in particular: ‘We saw that you had a MAGA hat and come on, you’re from Alabama… so we just kind of assumed that you had something,'” she said. “I asked why they didn’t just call me and ask me before intruding. One of the girls responded that fear took over her body and she felt compelled to search my room until she found proof… I cannot make this up.”

Pirnie said she had been living in the apartment since September without incident, and she kept her political beliefs to herself before the incident. But she did have a Make America Great Again hat in her room.

Because of all this, the local constabulary became involved. They spoke to Ms. Pirnie and asked to examine her firearms. They quickly determined that she was in full compliance with the laws. (That would include getting a Massachusetts FID card. In Massachusetts, you have to have the permission of the state to exercise your constitutional rights)

Pirnie said the roommates confronted her about her firearms and she explained to them she was a legal gun owner who is trained in the safe handling of firearms. She said the roommates weren’t concerned with Pirnie’s handling of the guns but rather that somebody might break in and turn the guns on them or the guns “might go off on their own.”

Let’s take point the second first, that the guns might decide to go off on their own. That flat out doesn’t happen. Now if the building was on fire, and the flames started heating up a loaded gun, it is possible that a round in the chamber might cook off. However, I suspect that the residents would be far away and not sitting around, burning to death waiting for a gun to discharge on it’s own.

The second part assumes that the criminals knew about the guns and where they were, and that Ms. Pirnie hadn’t taken steps to secure them. I’m pretty sure she did, what with the draconian laws of the People’s Democratic Republic of Taxachusetts and all. Any thieves, after they had finished raping and murdering Ms. Pernie’s roommates, having found the lock boxes would have taken a bit of time getting into them and would either have abandoned them or taken them with them. No, we just have a pair of Precious Snowflakes who hate conservatives and gun owners.

She said her landlord’s concern over some of her roommates being uncomfortable with legally owned firearms is misplaced and his request that she move out is inappropriate.

“What I find uncomfortable is coming home to find out that six people I barely know went into my bedroom without permission and went through every single one of my drawers, without any regard to my privacy whatsoever,” Pirnie said. “My landlord’s e-mail, though carefully crafted, showed tremendous prejudice against my right to legally have firearms.”

And that’s why I think Ms. Pernie needs to get the lawyers involved.

When Pirnie and her father rejected Lewis’s request that she move out in the middle of studying for finals, Lewis responded by saying his request “was based strictly on practical and not idealogical (sic) terms.” He then warned that if the other roommates moved out Pirnie would have to pay their rent.

“If the other roommates were to move out, Leyla would need to find roommates to share the place or foot the entire $6000+ monthly rent herself,” Lewis wrote in an email to Pirnie and her father. “Obviously it would be much easier for the others to stay and just fill one room (and I’m confident—were this to happen—that the remaining housemates will release Leyla from any further responsibility under the lease) and that’s why I proposed what I did.”

Oh I don’t think so Tim. Obviously, I don’t know how the lease is written, but it isn’t Ms. Pirnie who is violating it. It’s her two CommuNazi roommates and the landlord that appear to my eye to be in violation.

Pirnie feels she’s being punished for being a gun owner.

She is of course, and also for being a Trump supporter who wants to Make America Great Again, unlike her CommuNazi roommates.

“I’m still very much so being threatened out of my apartment,” she said. “Either I leave and incur moving expenses or my roommates move and I incur their rent expenses… Doesn’t seem right.

It isn’t.

“Not only is this a blatant violation of my privacy, but it’s also a violation of my rights.”

And that it is. This is why I recommend that Ms. Pernie and her father seek legal counsel. With a little bit of luck, she might end up owning a nice rental property and her two roommates will end up living under a bridge for the rest of their lives. (Being massively in debt due to the judgment against them) Stand up and fight back Ms. Pernie. I suspect there are lawyers out there who will be happy to take this case.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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