Occluded-Cortex compares border jumpers with Jews fleeing Nazis

Good day all. Alexandria Occluded-Cortex hasn’t even been sworn into office yet, and she is already vying for the role of Dumbest member of Congress. She recently compared the “Migrants” planning to jump the border with Jews fleeing the Nazis.

For the last week, we’ve been watching thousands of “Migrants” being shuttled to the border with the idea of crossing over and claiming asylum. The plan then would be to just vanish and take up a life of crime in the United States. Not one of these people has a credible case for an asylum request. The only reason they’re coming up here is payments from “Unknown sources” who want the border thrown open.

This brings us to Representative-Elect Alexandria Occluded-Cortex. Since the campaign, she has demonstrated that a box of rocks is smarter then she is. She has continued proving that rocks are smarter by comparing those trying to cross the border to the Jews who were fleeing the Nazis prior to WW2. Besides being economically challenged, she’s also showing that she’s historically challenged as well. Here are the details from Fox News:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the star Democratic congresswoman-elect from New York, compared migrant caravan members who clashed over the weekend with U.S. border agents to Jewish families fleeing Nazi Germany and other targets of genocide.

Ocasio-Cortez, who was elected to represent New York’s 14th Congressional District earlier this month, tweeted over the weekend in support of those attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. She compared those fleeing violence in Central America to those who escaped Germany, Rwanda and Syria.

Asking to be considered a refugee & applying for status isn’t a crime. It wasn’t for Jewish families fleeing Germany. It wasn’t for targeted families fleeing Rwanda. It wasn’t for communities fleeing war-torn Syria. And it isn’t for those fleeing violence in Central America,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted late Sunday.

Lindsey Graham, fresh off his spinal insertion procedure, let fly at the stupid Marxist.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., fired back at the incoming freshman lawmaker on Monday, recommending she study the “differences” between Nazi Germany and the migrant caravan in Mexico.

“I recommend she take a tour of the Holocaust Museum in DC. Might help her better understand the differences between the Holocaust and the caravan in Tijuana,” Graham tweeted.

Don’t waste the bandwidth Senator, you can’t fix stupid, and Occluded-Cortex is mindbogglingly stupid.

Ocasio-Cortez responded to Graham Monday evening by tweeting: “[T]he point of such a treasured museum is to bring its lessons to present day.

“This administration has jailed children and violated human rights,” she added. “Perhaps we should stop pretending that authoritarianism + violence is a historical event instead of a growing force.”

Occluded-Cortex seems to have missed a few things, such as the fact that there are a number of criminals from MS-13 in that mob. The second thing she has missed is that no one is setting up extermination centers in this hemisphere. And of course, this mob has been brought to you by the Foundation for Open Border and George Soros.

Now here are a few interesting historical notes. There was a shipload of Jews that tried to come into the United States prior to the beginning of WW2. They were seeking asylum. They didn’t crash the border, they begged that noted Democrat favorite, Franklin Delano Roosevelt for permission to enter. FDR said no and sent the ship back to Nazi Germany and the death camps. Isn’t FDR the big hero to the likes of Alexandria Occluded-Cortex?

There have long been rumors that FDR knew about the camps. The 8th Air Force could have easily disrupted the trains carrying Jews to their deaths by the simple expedient of bombing the tracks near the camps. He could have sent fighters to strafe the fence lines and guard towers enabling thousands of people to escape.

Granted, they would probably have been rounded up again, but the odds of them going quietly to their deaths would have been extremely low. This could have been done at very low cost and impact to the war effort on the allied side, and caused the Nazis endless headaches bringing in troops to find the escapees.

No, the CommuNazis have never liked Jews, Blacks, Hispanics or anyone else for that matter who didn’t follow the party line. You, Occluded-Cortex, are ignorant of history and dangerously stupid. You aren’t even in office yet, and you are already working to be known as the stupidest member of the House of representatives. Be advised, you are in a tight race with Mad Maxine Waters and sentience challenged Sheila Jackson. I have no doubt that you will try your best to show them all how to be dumber than a sack of hammers.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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