The N.Y. CommuNazis are going full totalitarian on guns

Good day all. As expected, the CommuNazi party, (formally known as the Democrat Party), is moving into full totalitarian mode when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. First we had Eric Salwall, (CommuNazi, Kalifornistan) threatening to use nuclear weapons on gun owners, and now we have another New York CommuNazi demanding to see people’s Facebook accounts before being permitted to exercise their constitutional rights.

A recently drafted bill in the New York legislature would force people who want to buy a gun to submit their social media history for the last three years. Here are the details from Fox News:

Those looking to buy a gun in New York may need to submit their social media profiles and search history prior to purchase if new firearm legislation in the state becomes law. Under the legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, up to three years’ worth of search history on social media would be able to be reviewed, ABC Action News reported.

Senate Bill 9191, according to WHAM, mandates “social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.”

Under the proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate “commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation; threatening health or safety of another person, or an act of terrorism.”

Oh this is something right out of what the Chinese government is beginning to put into place, where they are going to institute a “Social Credit system.” If you engage in wrongthink or say something that the government doesn’t like, they will revoke your 2nd Amendment rights with no recourse. Of course, the CommuNazi gun banners think this idea is just peachy!

“There should be more restrictions on how guns are purchased. We should have more background checks,” Paul McQuillen, director of the Buffalo chapter of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, said. “We’ve obviously seen some of the mass shooters have a social media history that should have sent red flags,” he said.

Those scumbags want total confiscation of all privately owned firearms including door to door searches. Can we say “Good bye Constitution? Sure we can! That doesn’t matter to the gungrabbers and CommuNazis. Going over to the original ABC News story:

It’s not going to be easy to pass this kind of bill. James Tresmond, a gun rights lawyer, said it violates multiple constitutional rights.

“The first, the second amendment, the fifth amendment, the fourth amendment, and the 14th amendment,” Tresmond said.

As I’ve stated repeatedly, the Constitution does not matter to the CommuNazi Elite. They will ignore it at every opportunity. This entire bill smacks of the worst sorts of totalitarianism. To deny someone their rights because they say something you don’t like? Or they read things you don’t approve of?

Well guess what? I know a number of people who, under your criteria, would have their 2nd Amendment rights taken from them and their firearms seized. For example, there is Michael Z. Williamson.

Mr. Williamson is a noted author and an expert in firearms. In fact, the current joke is that he could equip a small African nation with his collection. He is also not known for suffering liberal idiots, and likes to say things that are both truthful and will make Liberal heads explode.

He has recently been kicked off Twitter for not being a spineless, wimpy liberal, and is regularly put into Facebook prison for saying something that makes some wimpy liberal feel triggered and in desperate need of a safe space.

His blog, The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse, is where he will slaughter sacred liberal cows. (He’s an equal opportunity slaughterer. He will go after conservatives if they say or do something he thinks is stupid) He defines himself as “I’m an immigrant, and I’m an anarcho-capitalist, so even most Libertarians are too statist for me, and I’m rather outside of American socio-political groups.

I don’t always agree with some of the things he’s said, and we once had a “Misunderstanding” over something I wrote on this blog. Being reasonable and rational adults, I simply explained that he may have misread what I had written, that I wasn’t taking a position on the subject, (Something that he is very interested in), and that we should just sit down and make sure we’re both reading from the same book.

He took another look at the post and realized he jumped the gun and apologized. I said it wasn’t a problem, that it was far better to calmly talk things out and that is what we did. (Something Liberals refuse to do)

However, under the bill that CommuNazi from Brooklyn is pushing, not only would Mr. Williamson be denied his right to feed his addiction purchase a firearm, his current collection would be in danger of confiscation. Mr. Williamson does NOT live in the failed state of New York, so this bill, if it became law, is a moot point for him.

There is also someone I work with. He is also an avid collector of firearms. He also has similar political beliefs to mine. We, on occasion, will have a very quiet political discussion, (He knows I follow these things more than he does), and without a doubt, his search history is not dissimilar to mine. IN other words, totally and completely politically incorrect. He also doesn’t have that large a social media footprint. I don’t think he’s on twitter or Faceplant. (Care to bet that not having those accounts will count against you if this bill passes?)

This bill will criminalize anyone who doesn’t bend to the CommuNazi political orthodoxy. Without a doubt, the goal will be to use this law, if it passes, to begin the long desired confiscation of guns from the citizens. I will be very surprised if this bill doesn’t end up on the desk of that criminal, Andrew Cuomo, who has made no secret of his desire to end the 2nd Amendment. If this bill lands on his desk, he will sign it, and then begin implementing it.

This is what the CommuNazis want. Totalitarian, Socialist government with themselves running things. They know the 2nd Amendment is the only thing standing in their way. Well, it was the only thing. Now they have the judges President Trump is appointing, and they actually support the Constitution.

If this passes, it will end up at the Supreme Court. They will slam it down hard. Well, most of the justices will. We know how the Liberal justices will rule. But they are dying off and it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that National Firearms Act may finally be ruled on. True Constitutionalists will see it for what it is. An unconstitutional law. You know? Perhaps this bill should become law. It could blow up in the faces of the CommuNazis in a big way.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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