South Dakota moving to Constitutional Carry

Good day all. As the old saying goes, elections have consequences. In this case, the consequences actually favor the constitutional rights of Americans. The Governor-Elect of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, supports the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms.

In this case, it means that she is interested in a bill from the state legislature that ends the requirement to get the permissions of the state to exercise your constituional right to defend yourself. Here are the details from Fox News:

After years of unsuccessful attempts, supporters of legislation that would allow people to carry concealed handguns without a permit in South Dakota anticipate revived prospects once GOP Gov.-elect Kristi Noem takes office in January.

Why has this been a problem in South Dakota? Did they have a CommuNazi governor? No, they had something worse apparently. They had a RINO!

Retiring Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard has said the state’s current gun laws are reasonable. Right now, it’s a misdemeanor for someone to carry a concealed pistol or to have one concealed in a vehicle without a permit. At the end of October, there were nearly 108,000 pistol permits in South Dakota, according to the secretary of state’s office.

When you have ANY politician use the word “Reasonable” when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, what they mean is “We’re going to do everything in our power to strip your rights away from you, you peons and serfs!”

GOP state Sen.-elect Lynne DiSanto, who as a member of the state House of Representatives sponsored a permitless concealed carry bill that Daugaard vetoed, said such legislation is likely in the upcoming session and she’s optimistic about its prospects.

“There are a lot of Republicans that are very excited to have a conservative governor,” said DiSanto. “I think under a new governor it’s very likely to pass.”

In New Hampshire, we also had a governor who didn’t believe in the 2nd Amendment. There were several bills to end the requirement to get a CCW permit from the state. Granted, getting such a permit was anything but onerous, requiring the filling out of a form and a $10 processing fee. However, former Governor Maggie Hassan, (And current U.S. Senator by dint of election fraud), vetoed several bills to end the permit requirement.

One of the first acts of the current governor, Chris Sununu, was to sign a bill ending the requirement to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon. As expected, their has been a huge increase inf gun fights in the Granite State. Oh WAIT! There hasn’t been!! Once again, the CommuNazis lied about what would happen.

Daugaard vetoed DiSanto’s proposal in 2017 and also rejected a similar measure in 2012; constitutional carry legislation failed during the 2018 session after he issued a veto threat. Bill supporters have argued that getting a concealed pistol permit can be burdensome. Backers are likely to get a boost from Noem, who triumphed over Democratic state Sen. Billie Sutton in the Nov. 6 election. Noem in January urged passage of a permitless carry bill.

Governor-Elect Noem is a far cry from Kalifornistan Commissar Eric Salwell and his threat to use nuclear weapons on American citizens who might resist his gun confiscation plans. I expect a bill will be on the governors desk within weeks of her taking office, and it will be signed within hours, days at the most. Congratulations to the good people of South Dakota. You chose a governor who believes in freedom.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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