Democrats continue projecting

Good day all. More election news, even though it’s been several weeks since the midterms. All the votes have been counted, the court challenges dismissed and still we have CommuNazis claiming that the vote was stolen from them.

One of these loudmouthed totalitarian scumbags is former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. She lost to her Republican opponent and refuses to accept that she has been rejected. Like all CommuNazis, she can’t believe that the slaves, serfs, peons and little people wouldn’t want to have her ruling their lives. Here are the details from The Washington Times:

Democrat Stacey Abrams‘ refusal to concede and her challenge to the legitimacy of the election after losing a close race for governor in Georgia would have stunned the nation if not for the frequency of such alarming claims.

And, also unsurprising, most of these are coming from the Progressive, Left wing, Democrat CommuNazi party.

From Democrat Andrew Gillum withdrawing his concession at one point in Florida’s governor’s race to objections — including a congressional challenge to the Electoral College vote — in all three Republican presidential victories this century, Democrats increasingly level accusations of trickery and illegality to explain their election loses.

The true reason for the loss is simple. The CommuNazis have lost the middle class as well as the institutional knowledge of how to rig an election. All the people who used to know have retired or died.

But Republicans didn’t issue similar claims of illegitimacy when Barack Obama won the White House, despite activists from the liberal group ACORN being convicted for voter registration fraud or election fraud in such states as Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Washington and Wisconsin.

Are you saying that in the face of actual, provable voter fraud by the Democrats, the Republicans did nothing?

You have a Democrat Party that has a long history of stealing [elections] whose defense is to attack everybody else,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Republican who represented Georgia. “It’s a strategy.”

For those who refuse to believe that the only way Democrats can win is to cheat, I give you the elections of Lyndon Baines Johnson to the Senate and John F Kennedy to the Presidency. Johnson controlled the Texas vote and Kennedy had the help of the Chicago Daley Machine. However, those people are long gone now and the idiots coming up don’t have the training that the Democrat campaign workers used to get.

Mr. Gingrich argued that Democrats these days present themselves as presumed winners, whether in a swing state like Florida or a red state like Texas, with the angle of thus being able to challenge any election result that does not go their way.

It’s almost as if they believe they have a divine right to win. So if they lose in Georgia or they lose in Alabama it must have been stolen,” he said.

Indeed, such prominent Democrats as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Sherrod Brown of Ohio declared that the only way Ms. Abrams could have lost the election was if she had been cheated. They didn’t change their position after the election was called in favor of Republican Brian Kemp.

The CommuNazis refuse to accept that most people aren’t sheep who aren’t capable of running their own lives. No, these morons have drunk deeply at the Kool-Ade trough that the march of history is on their side. (A belief that comes right out of Communism) Of course, Republicans also challenge election results.

Republicans also lodge complaints of ballot box shenanigans, although with less regularity.

Usually because they win the elections, the Democrat vote was unarguably in their favor, or, as in the case of Minnesota Republican Senator Norm Coleman or New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte, they lacked a spine to challenge the results, even in the face of obvious and provable fraud.

Mr. Trump weathers the most aggressive effort to delegitimize a presidency in modern history. Scores of Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration claiming his election was illegitimate. Some skipped it in solidarity with civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat whom Mr. Trump blasted for calling his presidency illegitimate.

Lewis has long since gone past his sell by date. He’s still stuck in the 1960’s and frankly, his remarks remind me of some of the garbage handed out by the KKK.

Rather than concede and organize as an opposition party, Democrats launched what they called “the resistance.”

That “Resistance” is nothing short of an outright attempt to overthrow the Trump Administration and repudiate the 2016 election results. We now have a group, ANTIFA, (Short for Anti-Fascist), that is using the very same playbook, with far less competence, of the old Nazi SA Brownshirts. Rather then reign in these thugs, the CommuNazi Party has been actively encouraging their violent behavior.

After falling short in the vote tally last week, despite 10 days of counting and her lawsuits to include previously rejected ballots, Ms. Abrams said she lost but would not concede because the outcome was not “right, true or proper.”

In her warped brain, the only “Right and proper” outcome would be her coronation.

She called Mr. Kemp the “architect of voter suppression” that secured an ill-gotten win, even though, despite being Georgia’s secretary of state, almost all the specific actions that she complained about were either mandated by state law or the work of county election boards.

And now it’s time for Governor-Elect Kemp to go after this CommuNazi cow in a court of law. I don’t mean criminal charges, (Unless they are warranted), I’m talking about libel and slander. Unless she has proof, which she doesn’t, she has knowingly and willfully damaged Mr. Kemp’s reputation.

She accused Mr. Kemp tilting the election in his favor by aggressively purging rolls of inactive voters, and enforcing an “exact match” policy for checking voters identities.

In other words, he removed the dead voters and people who haven’t voted in a few elections and couldn’t be contacted. In other words, the very types of voters that will always vote 100% for the CommuNazi candidate.

Ms. Abrams vowed to file a federal lawsuit over the way Georgia’s elections are run. “It was not a free and fair election,” she later said on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes” program.

Sorry Snowflake, that won’t wash. Mr. Kemp did something you would never consider doing. He followed the laws of the State of Georgia.

Bernie Marcus, the retired co-founder of Atlanta-headquartered Home Depot, said Ms. Abrams‘ refusal to concede would have repercussions beyond politics.

“Georgia’s film industry-related small businesses are about to experience the bitter taste of Stacey Abrams‘ sour grapes,” he wrote in a column for Real Clear Politics. He warned that threatened Hollywood boycotts in defense of Ms. Abrams threatened the state’s thriving film industry and related businesses.

Those Hollyweird Moonbats may want to consider that many people have just about had it with their flat out treason. Yes, I said treason, as defined by the Constitution. Many of them are on record supporting declared enemies of the United States and for the suppression of the Constitutional rights of anyone they don’t agree with.

There are a few actors and actresses I admire for their talents. One said on her wikipedia page that she had supported Obama. Since then, she hasn’t made any political comments in public, for which I salute her. Then you have people like Robert De Niro, He’s been calling for the violent overthrow of the Trump Administration. His level of hate borders on insanity and leads to incidents like the shooting of Republican congressmen on a ball field. A great actor who should just shut up and act.

Next, we have the Electoral College. When the CommuNazi’s win, the Electoral College is a great thing. When they lose, as Felonia von Pantsuit did in 2016, then it is wrong and must be abolished!

After the 2004 presidential race, Democratic lawmakers took the unusual step of objecting to the certification of Ohio’s Electoral College votes. That was the first congressional objection to an entire state’s electoral delegation since 1877. The last-ditch maneuver by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio and Sen. Barbara Boxer of California was handily defeated in House and Senate votes.

In the 2016 election, we saw the CommuNazis actively working to subvert the Electoral College, in some cases, outright threatening it’s members. Since then, they have been calling for the end of the Electoral College and going to a straight popular vote.

Their reasoning is simple. The CommuNazis control several high population states, and can use that to take control of the government. With that control, as we’ve seen as recently as the Obama Regime, they will move to crush any and all dissent. There is a reason the founders created the Electoral College. It’s the same reason they created a House of Representatives and a Senate. It was to make sure that the large states didn’t impose their views on the smaller states.

This has worked quite well for the last 200+ years. It forces presidential candidates to visit most of the states and campaign there. President Trump, as Candidate Trump, did just that, going into states that the CommuNazis assumed were their property. Felonia von Pantsuit couldn’t be bothered, thinking that she was going to be awarded the Presidency since it was hers by right. Well, it didn’t work out that way, and we can get down on our knees and thank God that Felonia von Pantsuit is not our president, even with the voter fraud that occurred.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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