NAACP equates Earthquakes with racism

Good day all. The NAACP, (National Association of Colored People), was once an organization dedicated to making sure that all Americans were treated the same in the eyes of the law and the Constitution. They have pretty much achieved that goal.

However, now that they really don’t have anything to do, rather then evolve, they have decided to accuse everyone of being racists. Recently, the city of Portland, Oregon, put up signs on brick buildings warning that they could collapse in a major earthquake. The NAACP decided that this was nothing more then “White Supremacy.” Here are the details from the Washington Times:

A new city policy requiring public signs on brick buildings warning they might collapse in an earthquake is part of a long history of white supremacy aimed at forcing black people to move out of neighborhoods, the NAACP of Portland, Oregon, says. The group on Thursday decried the policy affecting some 1,600 unreinforced masonry buildings that are on average 90 years old, many in areas with a predominantly black population, The Oregonian/OregonLive reports.

The policy “exacerbates a long history of systemic and structural betrayals of trust and policies of displacement, demolition, and dispossession predicated on classism, racism, and white supremacy,” the group said.

Here are a few facts that the NAACP can’t be bothered with. Portland Oregon is on a geologically unstable area known as the Ring of Fire. It is prone to Earthquakes, big ones. In fact, there is a faultline off the coast that is identical to the one that triggered the 2004 Tsunami that killed 10’s of thousands of people.

It is also a well known, documented fact that brick buildings do not handle earthquakes very well, or at all. There are many, many pictures of brick buildings that, after an earthquake, become a large pile of broken bricks. I’m aware that Portland and other cities in the area have been trying to reinforce the building structures, but the fact is, if the fault line offshore lets go, they are looking at a massive quake, probably followed by a tsunami and all those buildings are going to collapse.

The NAACP said the policy will make it tougher for owners of brick buildings to get loans and will discourage investment. It says that means buildings will have to be sold, and that developers will demolish and redevelop, increasing the cost to live there and forcing current residents out.

It speaks to our houses of worship and everything about the black presence in the North-Northeast area,” said the Rev. E.D. Mondaine, a pastor at Celebration Tabernacle Church in north Portland and president of the Portland NAACP chapter.

So, you don’t care if a massive quake occurs and all those buildings collapse? You do understand that if people are at home or in those buildings, they will be killed when they collapse? Good to know that you are totally unconcerned with your parishioners well being and safety in a disaster.

City officials say the ordinance approved in October is part of an effort ultimately aimed at upgrading old buildings to withstand an earthquake, though seismic upgrades likely wouldn’t be required for at least 20 years. Such upgrades could cost brick-building owners millions of dollars.

Sadly, this is true. In many cases, it will be far cheaper, and easier, to just tear them down and rebuild them with designs meant to handle a massive quake. Of course, if one does happen, and all those buildings collapse, then the insurance will pay for their replacements, along with the owners getting new tenants. (Since the original ones will have been turned into paste when the buildings collapse)

Experts say Portland is at risk because there’s close to a 50 percent chance of a giant earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the Oregon coast in the next 50 years.

The scientists are estimating a quake between an 8 and a 9 on the scale. To quote Bert Gummer, “It’s gonna be BIG!” It’s also going to be lethal. Recently, there was a major quake in Alaska. The number of buildings that collapsed was…zero. Why? For the simple reason that Alaskans learned from the last major quake and started constructing homes and business building that could handle that level of shaking.

The Pacific coast, with the exception of Kalifornistan, is simply not ready. These signs are just a way to warn people and provide time for the owners to look into mitigating the coming disaster. The fact that the NAACP is so blinded by hate that they can’t see this for what it is, is a sad commentary on a once great organization.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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