Govno Newsom recall all but certain now

Good day all. I’ve been following the recall efforts against Kalifornistan’s reigning tyrant, Govno Newsom. Well, it looks like the recall effort has achieved their goal of 1.5 million signatures. If this is accurate, the recall election will be scheduled.

Of course, Govno Newsom will fight the recall effort and challenge the signatures that have been collected. Because of this, the recall committee is continuing with the collection effort and will continue to do so up until the deadline next month. Here are the details on this from Breitbart:

Tom del Beccaro, leader of the ongoing effort to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom, announced Wednesday evening that the campaign had reached the 1.5 million signatures required to put the matter to a vote — but will keep going.

EVERYONE: We have over 1.5 mill raw signatures but they are not all verified,” del Beccaro tweeted. “My message is that 1.5m sounds great but is NOT ENOUGH. To ensure qualification we need 1.9 million.”

Mr. Beccaro intends to keep gathering signatures until March 17th. The reason is that some of the gathered signatures will be declared invalid, and if Govno Newsom has his way, all of them will be declared invalid. Considering that they have another month left, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they went well over 2 million signatures. (Newsom is not well liked it seems)

Newsom would become the first California governor to face a recall vote since Democrat Gray Davis in 2003, who lost and was replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger. There have been 55 past attempts to recall a governor; only the recall against Davis formally qualified for a ballot.

And Davis was also a Democrat, just like Govno Newsom.

The California Secretary of State’s website notes: “Since 1913, there have been 178 recall attempts of state elected officials in California. Ten recall efforts collected enough signatures to qualify for the ballot and of those, the elected official was recalled in six instances.

I don’t have an issue with making recalls difficult. I would like to see this process put into place on the federal level for Senators, Judges, possibly Representatives and maybe presidents. I would also like to see the 17th Amendment repealed and return the selection of senators to the state legislatures.

In any case, things aren’t looking to good for Govno Newsom. His actions during the Great Panicdemic of 2020, along with his “Let the serfs eat govno” attitude could be just what is needed to bounce his totalitarian ass out of office. Who knows? Maybe this time they will put an actual competent Republican into office? Stay tuned!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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