Dominion machines gave votes to Democrats in NH

Good day all. The fallout from the Tainted Election of 2020 continues with a story regarding the Dominion voting machines and one of the towns local to Anger Central, Windham, NH. It seems that the counting machines uniformly took 300 Republican votes and assigned them to the Democrats.

The Dominion machines are used in a lot of the states, and have been shown to be easily hacked. The Democrat Propaganda Corps, formally the Main Stream Media, have been working overtime to suppress any indications that the election in 2020 was fraudulent. However, more and more evidence of the Great Election Theft of 2020 continues to show up, and now we have evidence of rigged machines in Windham NH. Here are the details from Granite Grok:

From the ever-vigilant folk at the Live Free or Die Report (on Facebook). They have a photo of a recount sheet for the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham. The original machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans by almost exactly 300 votes. Looking at the image, we see changes of 297, 299, 303, and 298.

That is very strange. That is a large number, large enough that a Republican who lost by 100 to 300 votes would not ask for a recount. Of course, no Republican asked for a recount. It was a Democrat looking for lost votes (24 of them) to perhaps flip one seat in that local election.

And look at what they found. Something, unexpected. Something we were not supposed to see? St Laurent (d) lost 100 votes, and their Republican opponents all gained 300, plus or minus three votes.

Now this story was posted in Granite Grok on November 20th 2020. The story I followed to this one came from the Gateway Pundit which led to a commentary in Granite Grok by Ed Naile, which referenced the story I’m quoting from now.

Moving on to the commentary by Ed Naile, he asks if the machines were tested or not. Mr. Naile’s commentary is both commentary and informational, and I’ll be quoting from that.

Not since a bus with 19 out-of-state AmeriCorps workers voted in Deerfield, NH from a fake address on a fake road have we seen such a case of potential voter fraud as “The Windham Scandal.”

I don’t recall that incident, however I have personally seen individuals in prior elections allowed to do same day registration who were pretty obviously not living in New Hampshire. (The Massachusetts license plates and the Umass Amherst stickers were a hint)

Let’s start with the fact that Dominion and Diebold are from the same coven.

The Town of Windham used Dominion machines to count paper ballots and upon a believable hand recount, it was confirmed each Republican was machine-cheated out of roughly 300 votes.

You would think this would have been solved by the Dominion machine company, the Secretary of State, the Elections Unit of the AG’s Office, or the laughable Ballot Law Commission. (Kathy Sullivan, d (Term expires July 1, 2024)

And the answer is?


Michigan had a similar issue with the Dominion machines. They gave Biden 6000 votes in Antrim County that should have been President Trump’s votes – after being inspected. They are still fighting over that “glitch” in Michigan, likewise with glitches in Arizona, Georgia, Pa., and Wisconsin.

And those were an awful lot of “Glitches.” Mr. Nailes reports that 47 states use these suspect machines, and he’s wondering why. The machines have been proven by multiple companies that Dominion machines are easily hacked, also here. There is also a pretty bad report from the UConn Voting Technology Research Center written in 2007. It said:

In particular, we show that even if the memory card is sealed and pre-election testing is performed, one can carry out a devastating array of attacks against an election using only off-the-shelf equipment and without having ever to access the card physically or opening the AV-OS system box. Our attacks include the following:

1. Neutralizing candidates. The votes cast for a candidate are not recorded.

2. Swapping candidates. The votes cast for two candidates are swapped.

3. Biased Reporting. The votes are counted correctly by the terminal, but they are reported incorrectly using conditionally-triggered biases

These are the machines that were used in Windham New Hampshire, and I suspect throughout the state. They were used in all the states that we saw major issues with the 2020 election. Add this to the recent story by Time Magazine on how the Deep State, Progressives, Big Business and others worked to “Fortify” the election, and you can see why millions of people believe that Donald Trump won and that the election was stolen.

The only reason the Windham issue was discovered was due to a hand recount of the ballots. If that had not occurred, then the issues with the Dominion machines would never have been discovered. This is why we MUST have a full and complete audit of the votes in the 2020 election, and that these machines should be removed from service forever.


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~The Angry Webmaster~



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