Alexandria Occasional-Cortex claims poverty on $174K salary

Good day all. It’s been a while since we heard anything from Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, at least anything worth commenting on. Then she dropped this steaming load and I just had to remark on it. AOC is claiming that she can’t live on the $174,000 salary she gets as a member of the House of Representatives.

It’s well known that AOC is not considered one of the brighter members of Congress. She went to Boston University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in stupidity. (Actually it was economics. Considering how little she knows about economics, the school must have issued the wrong diploma) She then went on to begin her career as a bartender, and then conned her way into the House of Representatives. Apparently, one of the things she skipped class on was how to do a budget. Now she’s whining that she needs more money. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lamented the cost of working as a member of Congress in an Instagram post despite her substantial congressional salary.

It’s insanely expensive, there is no stipend or per diem for it, and you’re not allowed to write it off even though your job forces you to have it. This creates real class dynamics in the House,” she wrote in a post on her Instagram story. “Many sleep in their offices, but if you are caught, it could get bad for many reasons, including violations.”

There has been a long history of members of congress sleeping in their offices. There are a number of reasons for this, some of them being the cost of living in Washington, and others being that the members don’t want to uproot their families. Frankly, I don’t have an issue with this. It just means they can get to work far more quickly. For AOC, she doesn’t have the excuse of family since she has no children and is technically single. (I understand she’s now engaged) She can get a simple one or two room apartment.

Despite the higher-than-average salary, Ocasio-Cortez argued the requirement to occupy two residences makes things costly for those with working-class backgrounds — and it can distract from legislating and campaigning if members choose to rent rather than buy, she said.

I rent in both cities. It’s so so much,” she wrote. “We have to find a new apartment in NYC soon and I’m STRESSED. Rent is wild and the idea of [apartment] searching and moving while legislating and campaigning is yikes.”

Housing costs have climbed massively for a number of reasons, including AOC’s own economic policies. (Inflationary to say the least) However, she does seem to like her luxury and might be going after apartments that are very high end. This would be fine for her home in New York, (Where she can rub it in the faces of her constituents), but for Washington, all she needs is a small, efficiency apartment and it doesn’t need to be 2 blocks from capitol Hill.

There is another choice she could make. She could leave office and go into the Dreaded Private Sector. With her skills I’m sure she would have no trouble finding a job in the food service industry, or she could go into entertainment. I’m sure she could make a fortune in Adult Films, and put that mouth of hers to work in a more useful manner.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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