Merrick Garland ready to prosecute Trump for mean tweets

Good day all. The Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis are flat out terrified that the Greatest President of the 21st Century will run for reelection in 2024. They have been using the January 6th commission as a means to find something, anything to “Get Trump!” They have, as expected, failed completely.

The January 6th commission is nothing more then a Democrat Star Chamber. It’s of very questionable legality and constitutionality, and is geared more to protecting Nancy Pelosi then at actually uncovering what went wrong. This hasn’t phased the most corrupt Attorney General in living memory, Merrick Garland. He’s all in on arresting President Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

Attorney General Merrick Garland did not rule out the possibility of prosecuting former President Trump for the events of Jan. 6, 2021.  Asked if indicting a former president would create further division in the country, Garland said the U.S. Justice Department will pursue justice “without fear or favor.”

“We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding Jan. 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable, that’s what we do,” he said. 

On what charge you Fascist pig?

Garland reiterated his response when asked if the DOJ would go forward with the prosecution, even in the event of a Trump 2024 candidacy

Yeah, just like your predecessors did with Felonia von Pantsuit who actually did commit multiple felonies, such as espionage, destruction of evidence, conspiracy, just to name a few. We dodged a very large caliber bullet when Cocaine Mitch did one thing right and kept this scumbag off the supreme court. As to the House Star Chamber, also known as the January 6th Commission, Garland thinks they’re doing great work.

“I think that this is an important part that we not downgrade or suppress how important that day was and I think that the hearings did an extremely good job of reminding us and for people who didn’t know in the first place, telling us how important that day was,” he said. 

Now, let’s just assume, for the sake of argument, that Garland is actually stupid enough to send out federal agents to arrest President Trump on bogus charges. Does he actually think that they would be successful? If word got out that FBI agents were heading to Mar a Lago to arrest him, they would be met by hundreds, if not thousands of very heavily armed and angry Americans.

There is no way the agents could get through that with any hope of survival. If they were able to sneak in and snatch President Trump, the reaction would be even worse. Very quickly, word would get out and people would locate wherever they were holding President Trump and head there. They would not be going there to protest, they would be going there to break President Trump out and hang all the federal agents.

Even if President Trump, and he probably would, said don’t do anything, it wouldn’t help. At that point, the 80+ million people who voted for President Trump in 2020 would see that the Democrats and Deep State were all in on suppressing the people who are part of Making America Great Again. The shooting would start in very short order, and would ramp up very quickly.

At that point, everything becomes conjecture and a real life novel. Things would get very bad very quickly, and you could see the Washington Deep State elites looking for someplace to hide. I assume we would see Eric Swalwell demanding that Dementia Joe start nuking all the gun owners.

In the end, the Biden Maladministration would fall. Garland and all the Democrats who were caught by the “Rebels” would quickly be hoisted up on lamp posts. For all intents and purposes, the Democrat Party would cease to exists, and it wouldn’t end there. Civil wars are brutal, ugly things that are best avoided. Doing things like going after a President because he is a threat to you politically is a great way to get things started.

Garland should just shut his yap. Of course, if President Trump does run and is reelected, there is a very good chance that Garland himself might face prosecution for his actions as Attorney General. We shall see what happens in the midterms. I expect he is going to be getting some very tough questions on why he hasn’t gone after actual criminals. He might be impeached and convicted, or forced to resign and flee the country.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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