Nike co-founder declares war on Oregon Democrats

Good day all. As the midterm elections approach, there has been a lot of interest in State elections as well as the federal elections for the House and Senate seats that are open. One of these races is to replace the current Govno of Oregon, Kate Brown. Brown is term limited and isn’t well liked. Her second term has been a disaster, with her going all in on Covid tyranny.

Since her seat is now open, both the democrats and the Republicans have put up candidates. In a major surprise, the Republican candidate, Christinze Drazan, actually has a shot at winning. One of the reasons for this is the massive support by Nike Co-founder Phil Knight. Here are the details from Fox News:

Nike co-founder Phil Knight says he will do anything to block Democrats from keeping their hold on Oregon’s gubernatorial seat Saturday, October 15th.

Knight, 84, has poured cash into the campaigns of Democrat Tina Kotek’s opponents in the governors race. He helped to kickstart a campaign from Betsy Johnson, a former Democrat running as an independent, who is serving as a major spoiler for Kotek.

It looks like Phil Knight is looking at things strategically. I wouldn’t trust Johnson to not govern as a progressive Liberal Democrat even is she did bolt the party. However, Knight’s support is causing a nice rift among the people who will vote Democrat no matter what.

Johnson’s candidacy is giving Republican Christinze Drazan the opportunity she needs in a liberal electorate no longer confident in the state’s recent far-left policies.

As to why Knight has turned on the Democrats, here is one of his reasons.

“One of the political cartoons after our legislative session had a person snorting cocaine out of a mountain of white,” Knight told the New York Times on Saturday. “It said, ‘Which of these is illegal in Oregon?’ And the answer was the plastic straw.”

Now that is harsh, but then Oregon is part of the Left Coast. All the liberals, nuts and fruits that rolled into Kalifornistan have overflowed the state and they have washed up in Oregon. One of the major issues is that it’s just the Blue Cities that control most of the state. People in the central and eastern parts have pretty much had it with the Democrats, to the point that a large section of the state is trying to secede and join Idaho.

Oregon has not elected a Republican governor since 1982, but polls show Drazan with a solid chance of taking the election. An Oct. 13 polling average from FiveThirtyEight has Drazan at a 3-point lead over Kotek, with 37.4% and 34.3% respectively. Meanwhile, Johnson sits at just 16.4% support.

Obviously, any polls have to be taken with several shiploads of salt. There are pollsters who are now saying that it’s all but certain that the actual Republican vote is being severely under counted, either due to people hanging up on pollsters are just flat out lying to them. The only poll that actually matters is the one on November 8th.

“Tina Kotek and Betsy Johnson have been driving Kate Brown’s agenda for years. They’ve led Oregon down the wrong path,” Drazan said a recent ad. “Tina and Betsy haven’t fixed anything. In fact, they’ve made things worse.”

“We need a new direction. My roadmap for Oregon cleans up our streets, stops the tax increases, and makes life more affordable for Oregon families. The stakes couldn’t be higher, but together we can do this,” she added.

One of the things that also has to be looked at is the makeup of the legislature after the election. Unless Drazan’s coat tails pull in enough people to push through her agenda, it won’t make any difference. I have no idea where things stand out there regarding those races. It would be good to know if Phil Knight is also working to crush democrats at the local level as well. They’re just as bad as the ones at the state and federal level. Well, we will find out soon.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Nike co-founder declares war on Oregon Democrats

  1. VonZorch says:

    Christinze Drazan hasn’t got a chance. The Glorious Revolutionary Democratic Peoples Progressive Soviet Socialist Republic of Oregon’s National Socialist Democratic Workers Party vote fraud machine, facilitated dy the all mail in voting system, will see to that.


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