Tulsi Gabbard goes there, compares Biden to Hitler

Good day all. Since former representative Tulsi Gabbard publicly, and loudly announced her break from the Democrat Party, she has started stumping for several Republican candidates. Recently she endorsed Kari Lake for governor, and was in New Hampshire stumping fro Don Bolduc for Senator.

It was during this campaign stop that Ms. Gabbard let fly at what she really thinks of the “Senile One” currently in the oval office, Joe Biden. Here are the details from Sean Hannity:

Tulsi’s dropping “H” bombs.

They aren’t talking about Hydrogen Bombs either, unless you mean the political kind.

During a recent rally in New Hampshire, former congresswoman and one-time presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard claimed President Joe Biden and Adolf Hitler share a “mindset” about how to run a country.

Ms. Gabbard then went on to explain why she thinks that Biden is trying to rule, not govern like any authoritarian tyrant.

I’m pretty sure they all believe they’re doing what’s best,” she said. “Even Hitler thought he was doing what was best for Germany, right? For the German race. In his own mind, he found a way to justify the means to meet his end.”

She continued, “So when we have people with that mindset, well, you know we’ve got to do whatever it takes because, as President Biden said in that speech in Philadelphia, that those who supported Trump, those who didn’t vote for him are extremists and a threat to our democracy.

That is called not holding back. I have my own issues with Ms. Gabbard politically, although, if she is changing her views on things, that would be great. However, as an individual, she is one thing that today’s Progressive Liberal Democrats are not, and that’s sane. She’s also, despite some things she’s stood for in the past, basically patriotic. She wants the United States to succeed.

Ms. Gabbard might be thinking about running for President again, however, I probably won’t be supporting her. She still has some baggage regarding things like the 2nd Amendment and the size of government. Still, it appears she might be growing. As long as she keeps holding the Progressive Liberal Democrat Fascists feet to the fire, I’m all in. Hopefully, she can pull other Democrats over.


~The Angry Webmaster~


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