Articles of Impeachment files against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Good day all. It’s been a hectic few weeks since the new Congress was sworn in. First there was the fight over Kevin McCarthy even becoming Speaker of the House, then Biden’s Filegate, and now we have the first Bill of Impeachment being filed in the House of Representatives.

Surprisingly, it isn’t against the worst and most corrupt President* in American Histlry, Joe Biden, the Bill of Impeachment has been submitted against the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Here are the details from Fox News:

Texas Republican Rep. Pat Fallon has filed impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, delivering on a promise he made last week before the 118th Congress was officially sworn in. The articles of impeachment against Mayorkas for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” known as House Resolution 8, were introduced by Fallon in the House on Monday and have been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.

The reasons for the bill of impeachment against Mayorkis are both numerous and straightforward. Under him, the borders of the United States have been left basically unguarded and what amounts to an invasion has been underway since Dementia Joe Biden was installed into office. He’s also been caught lying to congress several times. Now he is going to have to face the music.

“Since day one, Secretary Mayorkas’ policies have undermined law enforcement activities at our southern border,” Fallon said in a statement to Fox News last week. “From perjuring himself before Congress about maintaining operational control of the border to the infamous ‘whip-gate’ slander against our border patrol agents, Secretary Mayorkas has proven time and time again that he is unfit to lead the Department of Homeland Security.”

“His willful actions have eroded our immigration system, undermined border patrol morale, and jeopardized American national security. He has violated the law and it is time for him to go,” Fallon added.

The actual articles of Impeachment haven’t been released yet as of this Fox story. Basically they are accusing him of malfeasance, perjury, slandering border security agents, (The fake whipping incident) as well as other high crimes and misdemeanors.

During a visit to El Paso in late November, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who was elected by his GOP colleagues to serve as House speaker on Friday, called for Mayorkas to resign over his handling of the migrant crisis at the southern border and warned of an impeachment inquiry when Republicans officially took control of the House.

“If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure and will determine whether we can begin impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy said at the time.

Mayorkis has stated he will not resign of course. That would require a sense of honor, something he does not have. He is also playing the odds. He is assuming that while the House might vote to impeach him, (This just requires a simple majority), the Senate will never vote to convict him. (Being Democrat controlled and all) Sadly, it’s a pretty safe bet. The Democrats will always protect one of their own unless it’s politically adventurous to throw the subject under the nearest bus.

I’m of the opinion that the only justice this country will ever see is if some truly hardass Republican wins the 2024 election. This may be President Trump or it may not be. What the next president will need to do is break precedent and start prosecuting members of the previous administration for any crimes they committed.

The one thing we can say about the Biden Maladministration, besides being incompetent and inept, is that they are one of the most corrupt, if not the most corrupt maladministration in American history.

Who knows? Perhaps the Democrats might decide that Mayorkis does deserve to be sacrificed on the alter of progressiveness. We shall see of course, but I’m not holding my breath.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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