AOC brags about destroying jobs and is hammered on Twitter

Good day all. What can you say about Alexandria Occasional-Cortex? Nothing nice of course, since she is a blithering idiot. Shortly after she took office, she helped wreck a deal that would have brought thousands of high paying jobs to New York.

A few years back, Amazon was looking to build a new corporate HQ, and was looking at an area in New York City. While most of the politicians and local residents supported the deal, there were some who were opposed to the idea of thousands of 6 figure jobs coming to the state, one of them Alexandria Occasional Cortex. Amazon decided they didn’t need the hassle and pulled out. Now AOC is bragging over her destroying thousands of potential jobs, and people are letting her have it. Here are the details from Fox News:

Proud of her efforts that resulted in the potential loss of tens of thousands of jobs, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., recently bragged about dissuading Amazon from building another headquarters in New York City. She also slammed the naysayers who she claimed never apologized for criticizing her over it.

Never let it be said that AOC will miss an opportunity to demonstrate her arrogance and stupidity.

Critics came back to knock the “Squad” member on social media for the post, claiming she doesn’t “deserve an apology” and should “resign.”

Which she should of course, just on general principles. As to what brought all this on? She opened that big mouth of her and inserted one of her high heeled shod feet into the maw.

The Democratic lawmaker chimed in on news Friday that Amazon would be pausing construction of its second headquarters in Northern Virginia amidst the company’s current job cuts. 

Sharing a Bloomberg story on the development, the congresswoman tweeted, “When I opposed this Amazon project coming to New York bc it was a scam of public funds, the whole power establishment came after us. Billboards went up in Times Sq denouncing me. Powerful pols promised revenge. Op-eds & CEOs insulted my intelligence.”

She added, “In the end, we were right.”

No, you were and are wrong you inept Communist bimbo. The reason Amazon is pausing the construction of their site in Virginia and conducting layoffs can be laid right at the feet of your President* and your votes to waste trillions of dollars and trigger the worst inflationary rate in over 40 years. Of course, the Economics Major isn’t seeing this.

In a subsequent tweet, the lawmaker took aim those who criticized her campaign to block the construction project.

She wrote, “I know I’ll never get an apology for that time, but it was worth it. We protected NYers from a scam deal to drain public dollars from schools & infrastructure in exchange for empty promises of ‘Amazon jobs’ w/ 0 guarantees or guardrails. Sadly, cities who took it are suffering.”

So thousands of construction jobs were canceled, tax revenue, including property taxes which will be paid regardless of the construction status, lost and some 25K Amazon jobs gone. Nice going nimrod. Needless to say, her remarks did not go over well.

Again refusing to apologize, the Democratic lawmaker’s critics ripped her latest post.  

Author and conservative Jacob Airey blasted AOC, tweeting, “You opposed it to get headlines and cost your district countless jobs. You should resign in disgrace.”

In another tweet, Airey added, “You don’t deserve an apology, you should resign in disgrace.”

Investor Taylor Morgan wrote, “Wait. You prevented jobs from coming to NY. Then when the government causes a recession because of uncontrolled printing and spending and companies do layoffs, you take an ‘I told you so’ victory lap? This type of grift is exactly what’s wrong with Washington.”

The hits kept on coming. Of course, AOC is to arrogant and stupid to understand that her actions hurt her state, city and constituents. Frankly, she should have been booted out by them in the last election, but they’re even dumber then she is. As for Amazon, they have their own issues.

They have recently started telling people to come into the office and they’re getting pushbacks from office workers. They’re also doing layoffs due to people cutting back on spending, thanks to Bidenflation and Bidenomics, but they aren’t the only big tech company doing this. (Twitter really doesn’t count since Elon Musk found out just how overstaffed they were) Smaller tech companies are hiring. Eventually, Amazon will complete their HQ, and Virginia will benefit at New York’s expense, all thanks to Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.


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Diane Guinn
Diane Guinn
1 year ago

She never had a brain!