It looks like the walls are starting to close in on the CEO of Transheuser-Busch

Good day all. The Epically stupid decision to name a man in a dress as the “Woman of the year” for Bud Light is still reverberating. Sales are down 25-30% and continuing to drop. The two geniuses who dreamed up the marketing campaign are history. The CEO, Brendan Whitworth, still hasn’t “Done the right thing,” and walked everything back.

With the losses reaching $30 billion dollars, people are wondering when the CEO will join the two Marketing idiots “Spending more time with his family.” Well, it looks like the first calls for his replacement are being made. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former president of Anheuser-Busch Sales and Distribution Company Anson Frericks urged the current CEO of the beer company, Brendan Whitworth to step down from his position for how he has botched and continues to botch the Bud Light situation involving trans woman Dylan Mulvaney.

In a column for The Daily Mail, Frericks claimed that Whitworth needs to leave before doing more damage to the brand that has already lost billions of dollars in market value. All of this happened in the wake of Anheuser-Busch brand Bud Light making the trans influencer one of its spokespersons in April.

Frericks accused Whitworth of botching multiple opportunities to right his company’s ship in the wake of the boycott and said it would be better for the company’s shareholders to compel him to leave rather than staying and offering more “bland” responses to Anheuser-Busch’s current PR crisis.

If Whitworth were heading a Japanese company, he would have already apologized, resigned and committed ritual Seppuku. Since he’s heading an American company, he will blame everyone else, deny responsibility and have to be escorted from the premises after being fired by the shareholders. Even then, he will get a golden parachute.

Frericks said, “Whitworth has clearly shown himself to be incapable of solving the Mulvaney crisis. He’s had multiple chances, and he’s failed.”

The reason he’s unable to solve the issue is that he is a Woke Moron who thinks that putting a guy in a dress on a can and naming him Bud Light’s Woman of the Year is still a good idea.

“After all, the beer company’s decision to make trans-activist Dylan Mulvaney the face of Bud Light has cost a staggering $20 billion – and counting – in lost market cap value,” he wrote.

I’m not sure when the next shareholder’s vote for officer’s of the company is, (I don’t have any stock in Transheuser-Busch or InBev), but now would be a good time for the large shareholders to start interviewing replacements for Whitworth and most of the Board of Directors, people who put profits ahead of Woke politics. (Or any politics for that matter)

The former executive said Whitworth’s response to the Mulvaney issue “was predictably weak and indecisive” and that Whitworth’s statement that the company “will focus on what we do best – brewing great beer for everyone and earning our place in moments that matter to our consumers” meant “absolutely nothing.”

I would need to review the press releases issued under Whitworth’s name, but I have a recollection that they were nothing more then Buzzword Bingo and could have been written by an A.I.

Frericks added, “And it will only deepen the chasm between the brand and its customers.”

Yeah, that’s already happened. People who deal with things like this are saying that Transheuser-Busch and AB InBev will never get these customers back. Certainly not with the current morons management.

The former Anheuser-Busch executive then said, “As such – and I take no pleasure in passing this judgment – it’s clear to me that it’s time for the shareholders and board of Anheuser-Busch to ask Whitworth to step down.”

I wouldn’t trust the current Board of Directors to “Do the right thing.” I think they’re just as culpable as Whitworth in this fiasco. Granted, they probably didn’t know about the marketing geniuses who came up with their “Tranny of the Year” marketing campaign, but as soon as it came out and the revulsion started, they should have stepped in and told Whitworth to fix things. Instead, he’s made things worse.

“So I write this with a heavy heart, not out of spite but because it’s important for Americans to understand how and why corporate leaders can bungle the management of once-iconic American brands so badly, sacrificing countless jobs and invested assets in the process.”

He concluded, “Whitworth has clearly shown himself to be incapable of solving the Mulvaney crisis. He’s had multiple chances and he’s failed. It’s time he did the right thing and stepped aside to make way for someone capable of righting the sinking Bud Light ship.”

It may be to late to save Bud Light. Under Whitworth, instead of calling “All Stop!” and dealing with the holes in the hull, so to speak, he backed up and rammed the iceberg again and again with his mealy mouth responses.

He surmised that Whitworth gave such answers because “he’s been paralyzed by corporate America’s forced adoption of ‘stakeholder’ capitalism, which preaches to companies about why they must serve activists, politicians, non-governmental organizations and all manner of interests – anyone really apart from their shareholders and customers!”

Considering the damage done to the shareholders investments, I would not be surprised to see a shareholder lawsuit. What Whitworth and the marketing morons did was almost deliberate sabotage of the brand. The next major sales point is the 4th of July weekend. It will be interesting to see what the sales figures are. I suspect that they won’t be very good, especially when they have to pay the customers to take that slop.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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