This Bud’s not for you. Bud Light no longer in the top 10

Good day all. Once upon a time, before the dark days of Woke management at Transheuser-Busch murdered the brand, Budweiser had a simple slogan. “This bud’s for you!” That is no longer the case. Bud Light has fallen out of the top 10 selling beers in the United States.

The Woke debacle of making Dylan Mulvaney, a guy with mental issues who likes to wear women’s underwear, Bud Light’s Girl of the Year, has completely destroyed the brand. Sales aren’t just off, they’ve completely collapsed and Transheuser-Busch can’t even pay people to take that garbage they call beer off the shelves.

Now it’s official. Bud Light is no longer in the top 10 best selling beers in America. Here are the details from Fox News:

Once the top-selling beer in the U.S., Bud Light is no longer on the list of the country’s 10 most popular beers after it partnered with transgender activist and influencer Dylan Mulvaney. 

Bud Light dropped from the ninth most popular beer last year to its current spot at 14, according to a new YouGov survey. It fell behind other brands like Pabst Blue Ribbon, Miller Genuine Draft and Miller Lite. Rounding out the top five most liked beers were Guinness, Heineken, Corona, Samuel Adams and Blue Moon. 

Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, has seen sales plummet amid consumers abandoning the brand after its partnership with Mulvaney to promote the March Madness basketball tournament. 

The trans activist showed off cans of Bud Light sent by Anheuser-Busch that featured Mulvaney’s face to celebrated the milestone of “365 Days of Girlhood,” a series where the influencer detailed daily experiences during the first year of identifying as a transgender woman on TikTok.

The blind stupidity of the marketing geniuses at Budweiser, Group Vice President for Marketing Daniel Blake and Bud Light Marketing Vice President Alissa Heinerscheid have been suspended and appear to have been terminated from the company. Of course, people at that level have contracts and generally can’t be shoved out the door, but loosing $20+ billion dollars in company value won’t be doing their careers any good.

Bud Light sales are reportedly down almost 30% from last June and the brand “is showing no signs of rebounding from its slump,” according to a MoneyWatch report. 

The reports I’ve been reading are now saying that those customers are probably gone forever.

In May, some stores were even selling Bud Light for free with the help of a $15 promotional rebate from Anheuser-Busch ahead of the Memorial Day weekend holiday.

I posted a picture above regarding that rebate and what the beer was selling for. That is not a fake. I took that picture at a supermarket I go to near the Anger Central World Headquarters. They literally can’t pay people to take that acidic horse urine off the shelves.

In the lead up to the Fourth of July, Bud Light’s new advertisement featuring Kansas City Chiefs star Travis Kelce was criticized as a “desperate” attempt to claw back the support of alienated male drinkers.

The ad is unbelievably bad. It’s a bunch of guys just showing their age. See for yourselves.

The reviews of the ad were not kind.

“Man Bud Light is going for the death blow at this point,” one commenter wrote. “This is what they think of their client base, stupid grunting cavemen.”

Actually, most people looked at this ad and thought, “Oh look! Old guys with back problems drinking Bud Light! I can’t wait to drink this beer and be just like them!”

Critical mass has been reached and nuclear fission has begun. People have finally had it with the Woke crap being shoved down their throats, and the flat out threats to their children and they are fighting back in a way that is really hurting companies. They are spending their hard earned money on something else.

I suspect that it’s going to be a year at least, but the next phase is going to be shareholder revolts and you’re going to see the Board of Directors of Transheuser-Busch and AB InBev removed along with the upper management. As the old saying, slightly updated, goes, “Money talks and Woke Bullshit walks.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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Jefferson Selvy
Jefferson Selvy
10 months ago

Light beer is heresy