Associated (With Terrorists) Press is at it again, denying Hamas is a pack of terrorists

Good day all. It’s been a couple of weeks since the Hamas terror group murdered 1400 Israeli men women and children, and kidnapped a few hundred others. The Democrat Propaganda Corp, aka The Main Stream Media, has been getting hammered for accepting everything that Hamas has been saying.

The New York Slimes is currently being hammered for their flat out lies regarding the Hamas own goal on the parking lot of a hospital. CNN can’t draw a map of Israel, putting Tel Aviv inland when it sites on the Mediterranean. Then we have Associated Press. They won’t use the word “Terrorists” to describe Hamas. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

The Associated Press instructs reporters and organizations that rely on its style guide to avoid referring to Hamas as a terrorist organization, a Washington Free Beacon review of the organization’s standards found.

The news outlet states in its “Israel-Hamas Topical Guide” that because “terrorism and terrorist have become politicized, and often are applied inconsistently … the AP is not using the terms for specific actions or groups, other than in direct quotations.” The guidance will affect how dozens of regional newspapers and national outlets like Politico report on the ongoing war in Gaza.

Instead of referring to Hamas—which earlier this month killed hundreds of innocent civilians, including children in an unprompted attack on Israel—as a terrorist group, the outlet says journalists should call its members “militants.”

“Terms such as Hamas fighters, attackers or combatants are also acceptable depending on the context,” the Associated Press style guide states.

AP has long been known to ignore the actions of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. They also don’t understand what the term Terrorism actually means. The short version is going after soft targets, basically unarmed men, women and children, and killing them as well as engaging in acts that most countries consider actual crimes. (Such as rape)

These “Militants” will avoid going after anyone who has the ability to defend themselves, (Shoot back), especially military units for a simple reason. They’re cowards. They will hide among the general population and deliberately use people and structures that are generally considered neutral. The idea is to keep their enemy’s military from firing back and hurting the innocent.

Bucking the “terrorist” label is one in a series of strange decisions by the Associated Press, which include once sharing office space in Gaza with Hamas. That office, which the AP used for 15 years, was destroyed by Israeli airstrikes in May 2021. The Israeli Defense Force stated the building contained Hamas operatives and weapons, as well as an office for Islamic Jihad, another terrorist organization based in Gaza.

I remember that. AP’s response was typical for them.

“We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza,” AP president and CEO Gary Pruitt said in a statement at the time.

No, they hit a terrorist base that was using you, quite willingly it appears, as cover. The Israelis made a decision. Associated Press had to know they were in a building full of terrorists and therefore was a legitimate target.

But an Israeli Defense Force source said at the time that Associated Press reporters were aware who their neighbors were. And The Atlantic reported in 2014 that Associated Press staffers in the Gaza office could see terrorists stationed next to their building launch rockets into Israel. Despite their proximity, the Associated Press never reported the rocket launches, which endangered the group’s staff and nearby civilians.

“Hamas fighters would burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff—and the AP wouldn’t report it,” according to The Atlantic. “Cameramen waiting outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City would film the arrival of civilian casualties and then, at a signal from an official, turn off their cameras when wounded and dead fighters came in, helping Hamas maintain the illusion that only civilians were dying.”

Which is why people have started referring to them as the Associated “With terrorists” Press. They are actively aiding a terrorist group in the furtherance of their goals.

The Associated Press has long attempted to influence the coverage of outlets by policing language. Shortly after President Joe Biden took office, the outlet released new guidance related to immigration.

Going forward, the Associated Press declared in March 2021, journalists should refrain from using the word “surge” to describe large amounts of illegal aliens entering the southern border. That decision, a pro-immigration activist revealed in a Washington Post op-ed, was the result of a pressure campaign from the left.

With the AP and other MSM organizations, It didn’t take much pressure at all since everyone basically agrees with what AP was pushing.

Following the looting and destruction in the wake of George Floyd’s death during the summer of 2020, the Associated Press suggested outlets opt for “milder terms” like “unrest” when describing riots.

Now consider what they have been saying regarding the January 6th protest. That they insist was a full blown insurrection. Then you have all their stories covering up for Joe Biden, and yet pushing the fake Russian Dossier that the Democrats used in their coup attempt against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

The simple fact of the mater is, The Associated Press is not a journalistic organization. It’s a propaganda sheet for the totalitarian left. They have no interest in the truth or reporting on any facts that goes against their political beliefs. As such, their so called “Journalists” in the war zone should be considered enemy spies and treated as such by the IDF. Shot on sight and if captured, hanged.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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