Things are going from bad to worse for Claudine Gay

Update: This was written a few days before Claudine Gay threw in the towel and resigned.

Good day all. The President of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, has been getting ripped up one side and down the other for her wishy washy response to the antisemitism and calls for Israel to be destroyed along with the support of the Hamas terrorists since the October 7th attack.

More recently, it’s been determined that she plagiarized some of the papers she’s submitted/published. Harvard has been trying to tap dance around that issue. Now another boot has hit the floor. A report is out that Gay put together a task force to make White Men disappear from campus. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Embattled Harvard University President Claudine Gay reportedly put together a task force after the death of George Floyd, with its stated goal being to diminish the number of white men who were visible in campus spaces.

Chris Rufo reported on the task force, sharing his article with a post on X: “Harvard’s Claudine Gay led a task force to reduce the visual presence of ‘white men’ in campus spaces—simply for being white men. They committed no crimes; they were not deemed ‘racist.’ Their ancestry and anatomy were enough to justify their banishment.”

I followed the link in Chris Rufo’s tweet. It lead to a story in the City-Journal that was published by Mr. Rufo on December 18th. He was not gentle in his reporting.

Over the course of her career, Gay quietly built a “diversity” empire that influenced every facet of university life. Between 2018 and the summer of 2023, as the dean of the largest faculty on campus, Gay oversaw the university’s racially discriminatory admissions program, which the Supreme Court found unconstitutional. Even after the court issued its ruling earlier this year, Gay said that it was a “hard day” and defended the university’s policies, which were deemed discriminatory against Asian and white applicants.

Gay promised to comply with the letter of the law, while remaining “steadfast” in her commitment to producing “diversity”—a not-so-subtle message that Harvard would find a way, as the University of California has done, to evade the law in practice.

That’s the problem with people like Gay. The Progressive Liberal Elites are hardcore racists. Harvard has already been hit for their racism towards Asian applicants. It’s not a surprise that Gay would basically put together a modern version of the KKK and initiate her own twisted version of the old Jim Crow laws. Returning to the Daily Wire story:

As Rufo stated in the article, Gay responded to the death of George Floyd and the cultural reaction to it by commissioning a task force in order to tackle the “historical reckoning with racial injustice.”

Among the recommendations passed down by the task force was a call to change the decor in some university spaces, primarily in “spaces whose visual culture is dominated by homogenous portraiture of white men.”

Ok, and what was the issue with making a few changes?

That call was directed specifically toward Annenberg Hall, where apparently all but three of the 23 portraits hung featured white men — and none were women. The task force reportedly did not mention whose portraits were on display there, making it clear that what mattered was “their race and sex alone” rather than who they were or anything they had accomplished or done for the university.

This was back in 2020 of course, when Floyd died of a Fentanyl overdose and innocent police officers were railroaded into jail by a corrupt Attorney General. Gay’s racist attacks didn’t end there.

In 2022, Gay implemented an initiative at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for “denaming” any “space, program, or other entity” deemed racist by the faculty and administration. According to the report, commissioned by then-president Lawrence Bacow, these decisions would be “based on the perception that a namesake’s actions or beliefs were ‘abhorrent’ in the context of current values.” In other words, Harvard would use the standards of present-day social-justice activism to pass judgment on men who lived hundreds of years prior—at best, an ahistorical and deeply ambiguous method.

As part of this project, Gay sent an email to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences community soliciting “requests for denaming,” promising to address the situation “through the lens of reckoning.” Since then, the university has grappled with denaming multiple buildings, including Winthrop House, named after John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and his great grandson, also John Winthrop, a Harvard professor and president.

These are the people, and yes, they were men and Caucasian, who built Massachusetts and Harvard University. Did they have issues? Of course they did, but they were also a product of their times. Gay, on the other hand, is coming across as incompetent, dishonest and racist. She has been very destructive of Harvard, and the October 7th attack has pulled the covers off and shown the world that Harvard is no longer the center of higher education, learning and study that is once was.

The Harvard boards are trying to protect Claudine Gay, but the way things are beginning to shake out, those board members will need to start looking out for themselves. I don’t know what the mechanisms are to remove board members, but I have little doubt that there are moves afoot behind the scenes to deal with them as well as Claudine Gay. We shall see of course. I suspect that Claudine Gay will be out as president and perhaps out of Harvard completely in the next few months.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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