How bad is Biden polling? Kamala Harris is doing better then he is

Good day all. We are moving into the 2024 silly season, aka the Election Season, and now the pollsters are out there polling for all they’re worth. Right now, Joe Biden’s poll numbers are the worst in polling history. The only person who’s poll numbers were worse was Kamala Harris.

Harris, when she ran for President polled so badly that she gave up before the first primary was run. Then, for some unknown reason, Biden selected Harris to be his Vice President. He, or his handlers, then gave Harris some fairly basic tasks, all of which she failed miserably. Then there is Harris’s tendency to generate copious amounts of word salad. Add to that her abuse of her staff, to the point that the average senior staffer barely lasts a year.

All of this should and did put Harris’s poll number below that of the Senile Pedophile. There was talk of dropping Harris from the 2024 ticket and finding someone less incompetent. Then the reality of Joe Biden and the utter incompetence of his maladministration started sinking in.

We have massive Bidenflation, the borders were basically thrown open and literally millions of criminal aliens have been invading the United States, (and demanding free money), along with the Biden Bug Out from Afghanistan and even Biden’s supporters realized he was a disaster. Just how bad is it? This is where it gets interesting. People like Harris better then they do Biden. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Americans may have found something they like less than a hypothetical Kamala Harris presidency — four more years of Joe Biden.

A new poll out Monday shows the veep’s favorability rating inching above the commander-in-chief’s for the first time, as reports indicate growing alarm inside the White House about Biden’s prospects in 2024.

The Monmouth University survey showed the 81-year-old Biden receiving just a 34% approval rating — the lowest in the poll’s tracking of his administration and down 20 percentage points from its peak in April 2021 — and a 61% disapproval rating.

Harris fares little better, but her 35% approval rating and 57% disapproval rating are positively glowing marks compared to her boss.

I have a suspicion that people have generally forgotten the Blow job Queen. She’s been locked in a closet more or less to keep her from making an even bigger fool of herself. (She still manages of course) With Dementia Joe Biden, he’s in the public eye every day and people can see what a mental and physical wreck he is. This is why the Democrat “Powers that Are,” are looking for a way to get the senile idiot off the ticket and into a nursing home somewhere.

More than two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the president’s handling of the twin crises that have bedeviled his administration: immigration (69%) and inflation (68%).

The survey includes a rebuke of the president’s campaign message that life is getting better for Americans thanks to “Bidenomics” — with 69% feeling that the country is on the wrong track and just 20% believing things are trending in the right direction.

This is one of the problems for Biden and his handlers. Biden has tried to claim “Bidenomics” as his own, not understanding that people agree that he does own it, and that it’s a complete failure. People are generally worse off now then they were at 11:59:59 AM, January 20th, 2021. That was the final second of the administration of the Greatest president of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Within ours of Joe Biden taking office, he started murdering the economy. People are now thinking that if President Trump had remained in office, things would be a lot better.

In public, Biden has breezily dismissed his dismal numbers, especially in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 contest against Republican rival Donald Trump.

You don’t read the polls,” the president told reporters Nov. 9. “I’ll give you 10 polls, eight of them I’m beating him [Trump] in those states. Eight of them. You guys only do two.”

This isn’t at all surprising. Biden is a moron. Literally, he is stupid. He has always been this way, and his mental decline is making things even worse. But, as they say in the old X-Files, “The truth is out there.”

However, reports indicate a different story behind closed doors. Eleven days later, following the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon, Biden complained to his closest aides during a meeting that his poll numbers were too low and he wanted to know what was being done about it, the Washington Post reported Monday, December 18th.

This is typical of Joe Biden. When things don’t go the way he wants them to, he blames everyone else and demands that they fix things. What he doesn’t understand is that He, Joe Biden, IS the problem. His hatred of Donald Trump and the Republicans in general has caused him to do what he does best. Make the absolute wrong decisions and institute the absolute wrong policies.

For the last few months, there has been quiet talk behind closed doors on how to get rid of Biden. This would be just fine for Kamala Harris since she believes that she would be the next one in line. (It seems that the Democrats have fallen into the trap that the Republicans used to have. Choosing the next GOP nominee because it’s his turn) While Harris’s polling numbers are a bit better then Biden’s, hers are also floating in the toilet bowl waiting for the giant flush.

The only way she becomes president is if Biden dies in office, decides in a fit of competence that he can’t perform his duties, or is impeached in the House and convicted in the senate as the head of the Biden Crime Family. If Biden were to step down, or be removed at the convention, no matter how many people Harris sleeps with, she won’t get the nomination or win the general.

This is the problem with the Democrat Party. Instead of building their bench, they have been to busy virtue signaling and trying to push a Socialist agenda on America. This is why the “Make America Great Again” philosophy is so popular. It’s also why Biden and the Democrats are willing to do literally anything to keep the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, off the ballot. They are stuck with Biden and don’t have anyone else.

President Trump can simply reuse the old Reagan question. “Are you better off now then you were four years ago? I think we all know the answer to that. Even if Harris were to become president because Biden was removed from office for some reason, she would still lose the general election in 2024. Frankly, he would rip her apart in a debate. In any case, the odds are that, under this scenario of Harris becoming president due to Biden not being president for whatever reason, she would be primaried and still lose the nomination.

No matter what the Democrats do, they are stuck with Biden. I suspect that at the Democrat Convention, they will throw Harris off the ticket for someone else. Of course, it would need to be someone that the Woke, DEI crowd would support.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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