OMG! It’s Snowing out! The world is coming to an end! We’re all going to die! Yawn

Good day all. Up here in the North Eastern United States, we are in the midst of the first snow storm of the season. According to the Weather clowns, it’s a “Major Northeaster and if you go out you will DIE!!!

Well, maybe, if you are from Florida or Texas and have no idea what snow is. For those of us who grew up here, it’s been just a minor storm. It started late last night, (Saturday January 7th), and has been going on all day. I’d estimate, without actually going out with a ruler, that we’ve had between 8-10 inches at the Anger Central Primary Dwelling.

While that is a fair amount, it’s really not all that much compared to other storms I’ve gone through. She Who Must Be Obeyed, (SWMBO), needed to go to Walmart for reasons and asked me to drive her. She doesn’t like driving in bad weather. I was fine with this as it gave me the chance to try out the appropriate G.O.A.T. mode in the new Anger Central primary vehicle our new Ford Bronco.

I’m happy to say it was very pleasant to drive with the four wheel drive engaged. I intentionally tried to get the vehicle to slip and slide a bit and it handled very well. In fact, the roads were rather quiet with nary a city plow to be seen anywhere. The roads were very slushy and slick. SWMBO was happily backseat driving. “You are going to fast!” “Um dear, we are stopped at a red light and not moving.” “Yes, but you are going to fast!”

Of course, since we had to lay off the Angry Groundskeeper due to Bidenomics, I had to get out the Anger Central Primary Snow Removal Device and clear the driveway. I can say that I’m glad I spent the $200 for the maintenance I had performed on it last fall and the TruFuel I use is keeping it running smoothly.

Now there is one thing that is really bothering me. Where the Hell is all that Global Warming? I was promised Global Warming and that snow would be a thing of the past. I’m looking outside and I’m not seeing sprouting palm trees, just snow covered power lines and downed tree branches. I’m angry with that lying fraud Al Gore and as for Greta Thunburg?

Well, I need to go shovel a couple of inches of additional Global Warming. I’ve put the Anger Central Primary Snow Removal Device away and it’s just an extra inch or so of Global Warming, I’m sure as soon as I finish, the city will come by and happily plow the snow right back into the end of the driveway.


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~The Angry (wet and cold) Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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One Response to OMG! It’s Snowing out! The world is coming to an end! We’re all going to die! Yawn

  1. An Old Country Doctor says:

    Naturally, I can’t find it again, but a YouTube Short last night – posted 6 Jan 2024 – was from a Wisconsin Dairy Farmer, stating that he has no snow, green grass tall enough for his cows to graze, and he’s worried about a sharp freeze killing his pasture and orchards.
    From his comments, he’s part of the ‘inbetween’ gen – born in the mid 1960s – and in 30 plus years of managing the farm, has never seen green grass in January before.


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