Iran and Hamas fighting over who is responsible for October 7th

Good day all. As the Israeli Defense force continues grinding Hamas into paste, an interesting argument has started between Hamas and Iran on who was responsible for the October 7th attacks that started all this. Was it just Hamas or did Iran play a part?

One of the things Israel is looking into is how Hamas managed to keep the attack a secret. This is generally considered beyond them, and that they probably had some help from Iran. Iran is saying they had a major role to play in this. Here are the details from Fox News:

Tehran has tried to take some credit for the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel as part of revenge for the killing of a high-ranking Iranian official, but the terrorist group Hamas flatly denied the claims in a bizarre spat between close allies.

“It’s natural for Hamas to deny any linkage here to avoid giving Israel more reasons to continue its military mission against the terror group,” Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital.

I think that Israel doesn’t need any more reasons to obliterate Hamas. They keep finding more reasons every day, such as bomb vests for children and dead hostages.

“Iran has been looking to wash blood away with blood since the killing of Soleimani, whose anniversary is near and it hopes to hype,” Taleblu explained. “It should come as no surprise that the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism would seek to use terror when responding to the loss of their chief terror mastermind.”

As far as I know, Israel had nothing to do with Soleimani becoming a pile of small charcoal briquettes. That was the United States under a president who wasn’t going to put up Iran’s attacks on the United States.

Middle East outlet Al Jazeera, which the Qatari government owns, reported Wednesday that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard claimed the Oct. 7 attack, known as Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, was “one of the responses to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani.” 

Are the Iranians really so stupid as to give Israel a reason to do something really epic on them? They’ve already demonstrated that they can take out Iranian nuclear scientists. It won’t be that much harder to go after senior government officials, or even, as a worst case scenario, open a few cans of sunshine on Iran.

Hamas, however, immediately rejected Iran’s statement, stressing that the group has “repeatedly” confirmed the “motives and reasons” for the attack, which it labeled as “acts of Palestinian resistance… in response to the Zionist occupation and its ongoing aggression against our people and our holy sites,” The Jerusalem Post reported.

As the IDF has been reducing Hamas and Gaza to rubble, they have been finding out just how extensive the infrastructure is. The tunnel network would make the Viet Cong and the Mexican drug cartels green with envy. They’ve also been recovering and/or destroying literally kilotons of weapons, ammunition and equipment. This all had to come from somewhere and it wasn’t the local gun store in Lebanon.

U.S. leaders also said they saw no evidence of Iran helping Hamas plan the attacks – reports the U.S. has since reiterated, which makes Iran’s sudden claim so surprising and perplexing. 

Considering that Biden has been sucking up to Iran, including sending them more money, it isn’t surprising in the least that they are trying to cover up the connections.

“It’s clear that while Iran has been the primary backer of Hamas, it did not hit the switch to tell Hamas to conduct its horrific assault on Israel on October 7th,” Joel Rubin, the deputy assistant secretary of state for house affairs during the Obama administration, told Fox News Digital. 

Iran probably didn’t set the date and tell Hamas “Go murder 1400 Jewish men, women and children in the most horrific ways you can come up with.” That they were involved with the planning? Of course they were.

“The result is that Hamas is growing increasingly frustrated that its patron, Iran, has not pressed the other militant groups, such as Hezbollah, to attack Israel in a cohesive way,” he argued. “Iran is responding to these concerns by slowly turning on its network, but American responses to Iranian proxy attacks have been swift and effective.”

Actually, no, they haven’t. Israel has been the ones blasting Hezbollah. The morons and meatheads running the Biden Maladministration have been trying to keep Israel from going after the Iran’s networks. (Israel isn’t listening to them. They’re just a bit more subtle then Iran and Hamas)

We have seen Iran’s proxies in Yemen firing missiles and drones at the United States navy as we as commercial shipping. What they haven’t done is flat out plaster the terrorists camps and bases. They know who and where they are and a few B-52’s carpet bombing the area would do wonders.

Iran’s arrogance in demanding some credit for the October 7th bloodbath is stunning. I don’t think they’ve figured out yet that Israel is pissed and isn’t going to hold back any longer. By rights, Iran should be keeping their goat anus licking mouths shut and keeping a low profile. The only reason they aren’t is that they know that Joe Biden is a weakling and his maladministration is incompetent, corrupt and stupid. I suspect that Israel is going to do something massive to Iran sometime in the next year or so, once they’ve finished mopping up Hamas.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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One Response to Iran and Hamas fighting over who is responsible for October 7th

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    and now ISIS has reared it head again… NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF WE HAD A REAL MAN FOR OUR PRESIDENT instead of a pathetic, senile, old pedophile and his wife who is an enabler.


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