The fallout from the Hur report continues, Democrats saying Biden is fine

Good day all. The fallout from the Hur report is continuing. There are two aspects to it. The first is the obvious criminal actions of Joe Biden with regards to his mishandling of classified materials. The other, is Hur’s remarks that Biden is mentally unfit to stand trial and how that translates into his role as President*.

The declaration that Biden is mentally unfit has been obvious since the 2020 election. The Deep State Democrats hid it by keeping Biden in his bunker and minimizing his contacts with most voters. After he was installed into the Oval Office, people were starting to see that there was something wrong with Biden, over and above his general incompetence and stupidity.

With this report, the obvious has been stated and the elephant has just taken a very large dump in the living room. Now the calls that he either step down or be removed from office are growing, primarily on the right. (No surprise there of course) This has led to the leftists to try and deny what people are seeing, that Biden is senile. Here are the details from Fox News:

Multiple Democrats and mainstream media figures strongly disagreed with Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Biden and his “poor memory,” insisting that the world leader is “on his game.” 

Democrats like Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., and prominent journalists like former CNN reporter John Harwood insisted that Biden is one of the “sharpest” people they’ve dealt with and is more than capable of handling his job as president.

Dan Goldman is a flat out shill for Biden. He is trying to surpass Adam Schiffhead and No Nads Nadler when it comes to outright lying about the criminal activities of the Biden Crime Family. Debbie Dingell was awarded her her daddy’s seat in the house and is just another twit who thinks that she’s more important then the people she allegedly represents.

He’s “on his game,” Dingell insisted in a recent cable news interview.

They pushed this idea even though a major portion of American voters believe the president’s age and mental acuity are in question. 

From what I’ve been seeing, that major portion is somewhere north of 70% of the voters. It’s now crossing into the Democrat base. This is what’s worrying the Democrat party leaders and why they are denying that Biden is unfit to hold office.

The talking points in defense of Biden’s mental competence started up after Hur released a report, Thursday, on his investigation into Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents while he was a private citizen.

Hur noted that there was evidence that Biden did illegally handle documents, but declined to recommend criminal charges against the leader, in part due to the special counsel team’s belief that a future jury would see Biden’s “poor memory” as compromising his ability to willfully commit the crime.

Let’s unwind this a bit. First, Hur made a mistake with regards to the law that Biden broke. Intent to break the law is not part of the Espionage Act. It’s meant to punish people who mishandle classified information, and it doesn’t matter if they intended to or not. Simple carelessness has sent people to prison.

The other, and even bigger part was Hur’s reference to Biden’s “Poor memory.” Biden couldn’t remember when his son died or when he was Vice President. Those are two major points in his life and any normal person is going to remember. That Biden couldn’t is sending up flares. Another point was the press conference Biden held after the report was released.

Biden’s press conference on Thursday – his attempt to assuage concerns about his acuity that spiked after Hur’s report ­– spun the chatter about the findings into a frenzy. The president appeared defensive and combative towards reporters, he disputed Hur’s findings, and even confused the presidents of Mexico and Egypt in a now-viral gaffe.

The press conference prompted even pro-Biden talking heads to admit that his age and mental fitness are a liability and that both Hur’s characterization and Biden’s rejection of it were “terrible” for the Democratic Party, especially as the 2024 election begins heating up.

Not to worry, the Democrat Propaganda Corps was quickly informed that of the correct talking points.

However, others doubled down, defending Biden’s intelligence. In response to CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s questions about several of Biden’s recent gaffes in context of the Hur report, Goldman went to bat for Biden.

He said, “I was in Israel on Oct. 7, as you know, and President Biden was nice enough to call me. And I can tell you, this was the day before that interview, I can tell you he was sharper than anyone I’ve spoken to about a very complex geopolitical urgent issue with the Hamas terrorist attack. And it indicated to me that he had spoken to all of the relevant leaders in all of these different countries.”

“His mastery and command of a complicated geopolitical situation was just impeccable and so, I don’t know what happened in there,” Goldman added, mentioning his confusion over Hur’s investigation. 

Bloomberg columnist and podcast host Matthew Yglesias defended Biden on X as well. He shared a clip from Biden’s press conference in response to the Hur report and wrote, “He seems totally fine and I think needs to do more press.”

That is the last thing Jill “Call me Doctor DAMN IT!” Biden and Biden’s handlers want. Putting Dementia Joe out in front of the cameras have not gone well.

On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Friday morning, former Biden 2020 campaign official Adrienne Elrod responded to Hur, saying that Biden is “perfectly capable” and “perfectly competent.”

This should be amusing, much as a train wreck in progress is amusing.

She continued: “You don’t put 14.2 million jobs on the card – which he’s done as president – if you don’t have the strong mental acuity to do it. You don’t pass four major economic bills – two of those bipartisan – you don’t put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court. The list goes on and on in terms of President Biden’s accomplishments. You don’t manage a complex situation in the Middle East if you don’t have your strong mental acuity.”

There is so much to rip to shreds here. First, Dementia Joe has not created 14 million jobs. What has been happening is that people that lost their jobs thanks to people likes Biden during the Great Panicdemic of 2020 have been getting called back. The “Four major economic bills” have been a disaster and is why we have inflation levels not seen since Jimmy Carter.

As for the “First black woman on the Supreme Court,” She is showing how unqualified she is. She was appointed and confirmed by the Democrats to signal their virtues to the Base as well as get someone on the bench they can count on to tear up the Constitution. As for “Managing a complex situation in the Middle East,” he isn’t. No one is listening to him because they know just how weak Biden is.

American environmentalist and journalist Bill McKibben published a column in the L.A. Times early Friday morning – just hours after Biden’s presser – in which he flipped the script on the narrative regarding Biden’s age. 

The piece, titled, “Age matters. Which is why Biden’s age is his superpower,” argued that Biden’s age denotes the wisdom and experience that has made him such a successful president. 

This guy is definitely on something. Biden is not a successful president. He is considered to be an abject failure by a large percentage of the American population and many are now saying he is the worst president* in American History. (Jimmy Carter has managed to live long enough to be dropped to the third worst president)

McKibben wrote, “Joe Biden is old. Like each of us, he comes from a particular place in history, in his case the LBJ years. And that’s one big reason why his first term has been so full of accomplishments: His age, often cited as the greatest obstacle to his reelection, is actually his superpower.”

He added, “Age matters. My cohort agrees. Why did Biden believe he could do what he did in his first term? Because he’d seen it done. Let’s hope the politicians of the future are watching his successes closely.”

First, I don’t consider age to be a problem. It isn’t. The problem is mental acuity and intellect. Joe Biden is suffering from diminished capacity and is not capable of performing his duties as president. It doesn’t matter if he were 40 or 90. There are several old fossils in the Congress who are absolutely ancient, yet when it comes to their mental acuity, they are razor sharp. They just may not be physically able to move as fast as they could when they were 20.

Biden is, excluding his mental degeneration, flat out stupid. He has been 100% wrong 100% of the time. Many people either don’t know or have forgotten that when we found Osama bin Laden, there was a discussion on what to do. Some recommended to Obama that we just bomb his estate, and use really big bombs to do it, and others were suggesting snipers or some sort of a raid. (It was the raid that was decided on and bin Laden was shot in the face several times and dumped in the Indian Ocean).

Biden was opposed to all of these suggestions. This moron wanted to call the Pakistani government and have bin Laden arrested and extradited to the United States. He totally failed to understand that it was the Pakistani government that was protecting Osama bin Laden in the first place. If Obama had suffered a stroke and agreed with Biden, bin laden would have been spirited out of the country and to another secret location.

While I think that Biden should be criminally charged for this and all the other crimes he’s committed, (After being impeached in the house and convicted in the senate), that the special counsel basically said that Biden is mentally incompetent as a reason not to charge him can’t be buried, no matter how hard the Democrat Party and the MSM try. I think this election is about to become even more interesting. Fasten your seatbelts people, we’re in for a very bumpy ride!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to The fallout from the Hur report continues, Democrats saying Biden is fine

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    If he’s senile he’s unfit for office, if he’s mentally fit he should be charged with treason and hanged.


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