Biden’s handlers worried about report on his mishandling of classified documents

Good day all. There has been an investigation on going that the Democrat Propaganda Corps, aka the main Stream Media, has been burying for quite a while. The investigation is looking into how Biden got his hands on classified data he wasn’t supposed to have.

As you no doubt remember, Merrick Garland sent his storm troopers into Mar-a-lago to, besides rifle through Melania Trump’s closet and underwear drawer, recover documents that President Trump had locked in a guarded SCIF. This is one of the bogus charges that Javert Smith brought against President Trump, that he had classified documents in his possession.

Shortly after this, news broke that Joe Biden also had loads of classified documents spread in unsecured locations all along the Eastern Seaboard, including his garage. It later came out that the documents had been found before the raid on Melania Trumps underwear, leading many to suspect the raid was meant to be used as cover for Biden.

In any case, a special counsel was appointed to look into the mishandling of documents by Biden. The Special Counsel, Robert Hur, who was a United States Attorney, and went through a Senate confirmation hearing, (Unlike Javert Smith), has been digging away very quietly, and now it looks like his report is about ready. This is what has Biden’s handlers so concerned. Here are some of the details from Newsmax:

President Joe Biden’s inner circle is reportedly concerned special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into his retention of classified documents could hang over his 2024 presidential campaign like former candidate Hillary Clinton’s email server did in 2016.

Biden is unlikely to be charged as former President Donald Trump was, but Hur’s upcoming report could prove damaging in the pubic eye during his reelection campaign, Axios reported.

If Biden isn’t charged, then this is more proof that the United States now has a two-tiered justice system. As president, Donald Trump had absolute authority to declassify anything up to 11:59:59 AM January 20th, 2021. Joe Biden had stolen classified documents going back to his days as a senator and he had no authority under any circumstances to have them. He’s the one who demonstrably broke the law, (Just like Felonia von Pantsuit and her hacked mail server)

Trump has long argued Biden’s classified documents were retained from the decades he was a senator and a vice president, so therefore he could not be protected under the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which Trump and his legal team have maintained is central to his defense.

“Biden prosecutors are trying to win an election for him that he has no chance of winning,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post Sunday morning. “The American people won’t let it happen!

Hur, a former clerk for Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist was nominated to be a U.S. attorney under Trump in 2017, could release a potentially damning report any day now, according to Axios.

Oh I hope so. It will be yet more evidence of the Continuing Criminal Enterprise known as the Biden Crime Family. As for the dementia patient, he made a statement that showed just how unfit to hold any office he is when the documents were found.

“By the way, my Corvette is in a locked garage, so it’s not like they’re sitting out on the street,” Biden said last year.

I think there is a small difference between storing documents in a locked, windowless concrete room with 24 hour video surveillance cameras and federal agents on site armed with machine guns, and a locked garage with a Corvette in it. There have been pictures of that garage with boxes of documents behind the car when Dementia Joe was showing off his Corvette. (No one knew at the time what the papers were) This has brought up another worry for Biden’s handlers, pictorial evidence of Biden’s incompetence. Here are those details from Fox News:

President Biden’s team reportedly is fearing that photos included in Special Counsel Robert Hur’s imminent report on the handling of classified documents could impact his 2024 reelection bid. 

Axios reported that Biden’s aides do not expect criminal charges as a result of the investigation, but they are concerned about potentially embarrassing photos included in Hur’s expected report that could be released as soon as this week. The images could show how Biden stored classified materials, which were discovered in late 2022 in the garage of Biden’s Delaware home as well as in a private office. The classified documents were carried over from Biden’s time as former President Obama’s vice president.

First, there should be an indictment of Joe Biden. Actually, there should by multiple indictments considering how corrupt he is. Of course, the first thing would be the impeachment in the House and the Conviction in the Senate. Since we know that the Democrats will protect Biden no matter what, we’re going to have to wait until 2025 to file charges.

Second, some of these pictures are out there. They’ve just been buried by the Deep State and their minions in the media. Re-releasing them, along with new ones will just cement in people’s minds what half the country already knows. Joe Biden is a lying, corrupt, potentially treasonous scumbag.

Biden’s aides told Axios that they are fearful former President Trump’s campaign could use the photos against the Democrat incumbent ahead of their likely 2024 rematch.

Gee, you think? Of course they will be used. The reason is simple. Biden and the Democrats actually do what they accuse their political enemies of doing.

Trump himself is facing more than 40 counts, including obstruction of justice and willful retention of national defense information, for improperly storing classified documents at his private residence at Mar-a-Lago in Florida after leaving the White House, following a probe by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Jack Smith is already in trouble over this political indictment. There are some questions, now in front of the court, about the legality of Smith’s appointment. Unlike Smith, both Robert Hur and John Durham went through a senate confirmation for other roles before becoming special counsels. There is also Smith’s past history of abusing his position for political reasons.

Biden has defended the storing of classified documents in the past.

“By the way, my Corvette is in a locked garage, so it’s not like they’re sitting out on the street,” he once said.

As I mentioned before, the documents President Trump had were locked in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, (S.C.I.F.). The documents Biden stole were in a locked garage that anyone could get into, and probably did. Then there were the other papers that were found in an unlocked closet in one of Biden’s offices. I think more were found in his home office as well.

There is another reason why Biden won’t be indicted. The courts would find that he is not mentally competent to aid in his defense. If that determination were made, it would blow the whole administration and the Democrat Party right out of the water. People will start asking, and then demanding to know who was actually running things.

It will be interesting to see what happens in 2025 when the new administration comes in. They might not indict Joe Biden, but everyone else will be fair game, starting with Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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