Dementia Joe Biden blames grocery stores for high prices

Good day all. As anyone who has to manage a budget, food prices have skyrocketed under the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden. Under that incompetent senile moron, inflation has skyrocketed. Fuel costs are up and that has a ripple effect through the economy.

The American agricultural system is very energy intensive and high fuel costs, (Primarily diesel fuel), are passed along to the end buyers, meaning you and I. This means higher food costs. This is causing people to get rather angry at Joe Biden and that is showing up in the polls. What is Dementia Joe’s answer to this? He’s blaming grocery stores for jacking up prices. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Joe Biden took aim at grocery stores, blaming them for “ripping people off” with high pricing amid the continued inflation blame game.

“Inflation is coming down.  It’s now lower in America than any other major economy in the world,” Biden said. “The cost of eggs, milk, chicken, gas, and so many other essential items have come down.”

No they haven’t and gas prices are heading back up again.

“But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off: price gouging, junk fees, greedflation, shrinkflation,” the president continued.

The president said that Americans are “tired” of being “played for suckers” by grocery stores across the country.

“Well, it’s going to stop. Americans, we’re tired of being played for suckers,” Biden said to resounding applause. “And that’s why we’re going to keep these guys — keep on them and get the prices down.”

What an idiot. I don’t think this moron has shopped for his own groceries since he was cheating his way through college, if then. He also has absolutely no clue how his, or his handler’s, economic policies have damaged the middle class. He also doesn’t care since it doesn’t affect him directly.

As to getting prices down, the way for this loser to accomplish this is to reverse every decision and policy his made or put into place since January 20th, 2021 after 21:01PM Eastern Standard Time. He won’t do that of course. That would be admitting that he was wrong and as we can see from his speech, Dementia Joe Biden will never admit to being wrong about anything. It’s always someone else’s fault.

A recent Axios Vibes survey found that 59% of respondents felt “angry, anxious or resigned” while shopping for groceries, with anger being the most common emotion. Seventy-two percent of respondents also said that groceries are where they feel the most effects of inflation.

I certainly can attest to this. It wasn’t all that long ago where $80 dollars could feed you for a week. Now that will get you enough for a day or two if you buy the cheap stuff.

Though inflation has largely fallen from record highs in 2022, prices are still significantly higher than they were before 2020. 

Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans must spend approximately $125.51 on groceries that would have previously cost $100 in December 2019.

Personally, I think that statistic is a load of crap. I think it’s closer to $200 then $125. Of course, I live in an area that is a bit more expensive and it is winter so nothing fresh and local is available, other then eggs.

Fox Business calculations found that since the start of 2021, food prices have gone up 33.7%, shelter costs went up 18.7% and energy prices increased by 32.8%. Moody’s Analytics also reported that Americans spent $211 more a month compared to the same time last year.

Again, I think that’s a bit on the low side, however that may be my specific circumstances.

Biden has frequently touted “Bidenomics” and touted December numbers as a sign of economic improvement.

Bidenomics as a term is used by Conservatives to describe the epic economic disaster this country has been suffering from since Joe Biden was installed as President*. He took an economy that was in the process of recovering from the Great Panicdemic of 2020 and the idiot governors locking the nation down, and killed it in it’s crib. His very first action was to kill the KeystoneXL Pipeline and throw 10’s of thousand of highly paid people on to the unemployment lines.

From there Dementia Joe and his handlers have only made things worse, not better. Massive regulations, mandating the “Clot Shot,” aka the Covid vaccines that were never tested and have now been shown to be ineffective and in many cases, dangerous, and out of control spending. It was the latter that really jacked up the inflation levels.

I think it was last summer that one of Dementia Joe’s handlers got the bright idea of trying to reclaim “Bidenomics” from the conservatives. They had seen how Biden and the Democrats had thrown one insult after the other at Trump Supporters, only to see the Republicans claim it as their own and turn it into a positive. They simply didn’t understand that for Bidenomics to be seen as a positive, the economy would have to be going gangbusters. (See Reaganomics for a comparison)

Biden and his handlers are desperate to appear to be competent. They can see the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, bearing down on them. Everything they’ve tried economically has failed utterly. Of course, they were using the playbook recommended by the likes of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, Elizabeth “Lie-a-watha” Warren and Comrade Bernie Sanders. They got their playbook from Karl Marx.

Regarding the prices charged by grocery stores and supermarkets, there isn’t anything they can do. If they try price controls, it will fail completely, just as it has every other time it’s been tried. What worries me is that these lunkheads might just try and do it again and claim that “See? We’ve fixed the problem!” just before the election.

Of course, soon after all those stores will simply shut their doors just as they are doing in the high crime Democrat controlled cities. Socialism has never worked and no matter what Biden says, Bidenomics is a complete failure as well, just like Joe Biden.


I wrote this up about a week ago. Today the inflation report came out and it was a lot higher then anyone anticipated. The stock market responded by giving up about half the gains made since the first of the year. Let’s Go Brandon!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Dementia Joe Biden blames grocery stores for high prices

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    If this goes on, hungry people will find other uses for diesel fuel and fertilizer.


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