Remember the J6 pipe bombs? FBI is blocking the investigation

Good day all. Among the things that occurred January 6th 2021 was the placement of two pipe bombs. The bombs were “discovered” before they went off. And there were pictures of the suspects who planted them. They were heavily disguised, to the point you can’t even see their skin color.

It’s been three years since the protest, and there has been no movement on the bomber. This has led to a lot of speculation that the people involved were federal agents doing a false flag operation. Now information is coming out that is going to make a lot of people go “Hmmm, that’s interesting.” Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

A former FBI agent has revealed that the bureau tied the suspect wanted in connection to pipe bombs planted at both the Republican and Democrat National Committee buildings in DC before January 6, 2021, to a DC Metro fare card and a license plate, but his team was prevented from interviewing the person of interest. 

After over three years, the person wanted for placing the pipe bombs in these locations has yet to be found.

This is where the conspiracy theorists come in. They won’t find out who planted the bombs because it was a federal agent and he was acting on orders. I don’t recall the actual details of the devices. Obviously they didn’t go off. What I don’t recall is whether they were blown up by the bomb disposal teams or dismantled. If the latter, forensics teams can learn quite a bit about how knowledgeable the bomber was in constructing the devices. Even blown up in a controlled manner, they can usually get a lot of data from the remains.

Former leader of FBI surveillance teams Kyle Seraphin told the Daily Wire that shortly after January 6, a counterintelligence team met Seraphin at a Falls Church, Virginia firehouse to brief him on his next surveillance target. 

The counterintelligence team had used security footage to follow the person of interest to a Metro station after the bombs were planted, and the card used to access the transit was identified. The card allowed them to determine he got off at a stop in Northern Virginia, where the person was seen entering a car. The card and the car were registered in the name of a retired Air Force chief master sergeant that was now working as a contractor with security clearance.

You would think that at this point, the suspect would be getting a full proctological exam including hauling him in and sweating him. That didn’t happen.

Seraphin said he and his team were assigned to stake out the person of interest’s row house for several days, but the FBI blocked a request to interview the person. He said they were then called off the person if interest completely, and instead told to look through leads on minor January 6 participants. 

Allegedly someone threw bombs around the Capitol which could have killed congressmen or a busload of nuns or anything, and the answer is you can’t follow this guy around — you have to go to headquarters and read ‘leads’ where someone said ‘I might’ve went to high school with some guy that was standing around the Capitol?’” Seraphin told the outlet. 

Gee, that doesn’t sound like a cover up to me. How about you?

The bomber wasn’t definitely the same person of interest that they were tasked to watch, Seraphin said, adding though that this was a highly specific lead that could have had a good chance of leading investigators to the suspect. 

“They found people based on their earlobes that were hanging out by a flagpole,” Seraphin said of the FBI looking for suspects at the Capitol on January 6. 

Somehow, I don’t think earlobes are as definitive as say a mug shot, fingerprints, DNA and retinal eye patterns. However, questioning the person of interest would have either cleared him, got him arrested or lead to another person.

“When they had the World Trade Center bombing in ‘93 they went under four stories of rubble and were able to find a partial VIN number that they used to track it down to the people responsible. And you’re telling me you had a pristine, non-detonated bomb and they couldn’t find anything on it?” 

Of course they didn’t find anything on it. They didn’t even look. There was no reason to since the devices came out of the FBI’s own EOD lab.

Earlier in January, it was revealed that a plainclothes officer had discovered the bomb at the DNC headquarters and was seen leisurely walking to a patrol vehicle to converse with the occupants as well as a Secret Service SUV to reportedly tell them of his discovery. 

This story is just adding fuel to the fire that the FBI was actively involved with the January 6th riot, and was working to incite things rather then try and calm the situation down. We saw the same thing in Michigan with that bogus kidnap plot against Govno Wretched Gretchen Whitmer. (That was so blatant, most of the defendants were acquitted)

I have little doubt that the “Powers that be” know exactly who planted those pipe bombs. I’m now wondering if there was any actual explosives in them or real detonators? Of course, this is all just another conspiracy theory put together by anti-government right wing MAGA hat wearing deplorables who are also racists and right wing. That’s what the Democrats and the FBI are saying after all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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