Joe Manchin thinks he can be a third party president

Good day all. Senator Joe Mancine is the senior senator for West Virginia. He has announced his retirement at the end of this term. The reasons can boil down to a few things. He is a Democrat in a deep red state, and he has shafted his constituents one time to many. Manchin saw the writing on the wall and decided to pull a Romney.

Recently, a third political party called the No Labels Party has been making noises about running someone for president. The name of several losers have been bandied about such as Robert Kennedy Jr, and the former governor of Maryland, What’s His Name the Rino. Now it looks like Joe Manchin is looking to get his name on the list. Here are the details from Fox News:

Manchin has broken from the Democrats on a number of key votes during Biden’s presidency, including in 2021 on the For the People Act. Manchin has portrayed himself as a centrist politically compared to his more progressive colleagues in the Senate, saying that he believes in uniting the country. 

I will agree that Manchin isn’t a flat out communist. However, he will put the government over the people. He is also wholly owned by Big Pharma. These are a couple of reasons he chose to “Retire” from the Senate before he was booted out by the fine people of West Virginia.

“Privately, the West Virginia Democrat has told people that a Joe Biden health scare or a Donald Trump conviction could give him an opening to run as an independent this year,” CNN reported

If Dementia Joe should either step down, be forced out or drop dead, Manchin would not be on the list to run in his place. That will go to Michelle “the Wookie” Obama with Govno Gavin “Hair Gel” Newsom as the second choice. This is why Manchin is talking about going third party.

Manchin said Trump’s chances at becoming president in 2024 should be “very much concerning to every human being and every person who basically loves the country that we have, and the life that we have, and trying to have a future for our children and future generations.”

There is a reason why Manchin should never be president. President Trump isn’t part of the Deep State Swamp. Manchin is. President Trump puts America and American’s first. Manchin, like 95% of elected officials, put whoever provides the biggest bribes campaign donations. A very large number of American voters have pretty much had it with people like Manchin.

Manchin is teasing a third-party presidential bid after Super Tuesday on March 5, as the country appears headed for a 2020 rematch after Trump scored wins in Iowa and New Hampshire this month.

“Super Tuesday pretty much confirms whatever is going to happen, what we believe will happen, and we’ll see where we go from there,” Manchin told reporters Tuesday, the day of the New Hampshire primary.

About the only important thing that will happen after Super Tuesday is Nikki Haley finally throwing in the towel after she is crushed by President Trump and all her money goes away. Then it comes down to Trump and the Alzheimer’s patient in November. The main third party pushing things is No Labels and they’re getting a lot of Democrats and a few never Trumpers.

The problem with the Now Labels Party, besides the lack of any chance, is that they are, for the most part, are no better then the Democrats and the GOP(e) Uniparty clowns. The last thing they want is reducing the size of government, cleaning up the DoJ and keeping America out of wars that aren’t any of our concern. They’re also not going to do much to shut down the border and they will not round up the millions of criminals now in the United States.

Joe Manchine should just fade away into the sunset, right his memoirs and get that nice consulting job with one of the Big Pharma companies. I’m sure Pfizer might be happy to give him a nice no show Hunter Bidenesque position. He certainly has helped them in the last few years. Joe Manchin as President? Not happening.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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