Hawaiian State Supreme Court rules that the US Constitution void

Good day all. Since the United States Supreme Court issued it’s Bruen Decision, which basically cancels a large chunk of Democrats gun control laws. Democrats have been trying to impose gun bans since then and have been getting slapped down.

Of course, we have the idiots on the 9th Circus who think they’re the actual Supreme Court, until they get slammed down hard by the real Supreme Court, who will uphold any draconian gun control law passed by a left coast state.

The 9th Circus may have met it’s match in sheer chutzpah. Last week the Hawaiian State Supreme Court issued a ruling that the 2nd Amendment flat out does not apply to citizens. Here are the details from Fox News:

Hawaii’s highest court on Wednesday, February 7th, ruled that Second Amendment rights as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court do not extend to Hawaii citizens, citing the “spirit of Aloha.”

In the ruling, which was penned by Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Todd Eddins, the court determined that states “retain the authority to require” individuals to hold proper permits before carrying firearms in public. The decision also concluded that the Hawaii Constitution broadly “does not afford a right to carry firearms in public places for self defense,” further pointing to the “spirit of Aloha” and even quoting HBO’s TV drama “The Wire.”

The spirit of aloha? Quoting from a TV show? Are these judges mental?

“Article I, section 17 of the Hawaii Constitution mirrors the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the Hawaii Supreme Court decision states. “We read those words differently than the current United States Supreme Court. We hold that in Hawaii there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

“The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities,” it adds. “The history of the Hawaiian Islands does not include a society where armed people move about the community to possibly combat the deadly aims of others.”

Yep, they are complete mental cases. They are also traitors. They have just torn up the constitution of the United States, and, apparently, their own state constitution.

The court’s opinion further says the state government’s policies curbing certain gun-carry rights have “preserved peace and tranquility in Hawaii.”

“A free-wheeling right to carry guns in public degrades other constitutional rights,” it concludes. “The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, encompasses a right to freely and safely move in peace and tranquility.”

So, basically, they have just declared open season on citizens by criminals who will carry guns and use them to commit crimes.

In addition, the Hawaii Supreme Court notes a quote from HBO’s “The Wire,” that “the thing about the old days, they the old days.” The court’s opinion states that it “makes no sense” for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to “the founding era’s culture, realities, laws, and understanding of the Constitution.”

The state’s AG was all on board with this load of crap of course, thanking the judges for allowing the Hawaii state government to basically institute the single party dictatorship they’ve wanted for a while now. Of course this joke of a decision is going to be appealed. The problem here is that most of the federal judges in that circuit are Obama or Biden judges with a history of ignoring the Constitution.

I can’t say how the 9th Circus will rule of course. On rare occasions they have been known to actually uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law. (Usually when they’ve sobered up from their last LSD party) In any case, this is going to the United State Supreme Court and they are going to land on the Hawaiian supreme court like a collapsing building.

Frankly, I’m of the opinion that these judges and the state’s AG have crossed a line and need to be removed from office, and potentially criminally charged. They are definitely ignoring their oath’s of office. Normally you would see the state legislature start impeachment hearings, however Hawaii is a hard left state just like Kalifornistan. The only reason they aren’t broke is that tourists still come on to the island and spend money on overprices crap that Hawaii taxes to oblivion.

This is why elections matter. I would like to see the Hawaiian voters come to their senses and vote out the tyrannical Progressives, liberals and Democrats. I don’t expect them to. They are like the nitwits in Kalifornistan, Oregon and Washington State. The smart people are outnumbered by the useless mouth breathing dregs of humanity. Eventually, those people, despite the great climate of Hawaii, will pull the pin and move to the mainland, taking their money and common sense with them. That’s when Hawaii starts dying.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Hawaiian State Supreme Court rules that the US Constitution void

  1. Denton says:

    Spirit of Aloha? How do they think the Kingdom of Hawaii got formed anyway? Those shark tooth studded clubs weren’t weapons?


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