Secret Service at greater risk from Biden’s Dog then Trump supporters

Good day all. The Secret Service is tasked with protecting the President, Vice President and a few other key people from threats. They take this job very seriously. The Democrats would like you to believe that the greatest threat they face is from those Deplorable Ultra MAGA Trump supporters.

The reality is different. While there is no question that most of the people won’t shed any tears if Biden were to drop dead, no one who isn’t a nutcase, (Which the Secret Service is very good at dealing with), has any plans to do something not nice to Biden and Harris. The real threat to the Secret Service agents on the Presidential Security Detail is of the four legged variety. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander, bit and attacked U.S. Secret Service (USSS) personnel at least 24 times between October 2022 and July 2023, according to records.

Commander was eventually removed from the White House campus.

Removed? I’m surprised that none of the agents didn’t just flat out shoot the damn mutt.

Newly released internal USSS documents, obtained by Fox News via The Black Vault, show there were 24 incidents in which the German shepherd bit or attempted to bite Secret Service staff members.

That would get any other dog a one way trip to the pound and probable hot shot from a vet after the owner was sued into oblivion. Switching over to the Fox News story:

In the first incident documented, the USSS member reported holding a door open to the Palm Room on the West Colonnade side, when Biden took Commander out to the South Grounds.

“Commander and POTUS were entering the Palm Room through the West Colonnade. Commander came in first, circled back and grabbed my left arm,” the report read. “He then stood up and back down. He is literally my height, standing.”

The president entered shortly after the dog grabbed the agent’s arm, which was not punctured.

This agent was lucky. Other have been bitten so badly that they needed medical attention and stitches. They finally shipped that mutt out, yet the attacks continued.

A month later, on July 29, 2023, Commander attacked an agent working on a temporary assignment in Rehoboth Beach, at the Biden’s beach house.

Commander was running loose on the backyard patio of the property at the time of the attack when he started barking. The agent reported hearing who he believed was the first lady, when Commander ran toward the agent and bit the agent in the left forearm.

The bite created a “severe deep open wound,” resulting in significant blood loss. After the incident, the agent was treated and received six stitches in the left forearm and antibiotics for the wound.

At this point they shipped that mutt out an unloaded him on other family members. Frankly, that dog is out of control and should be put down. It looks like this is an ongoing issue with Biden Hounds.

Commander’s arrival at the White House came after the Biden’s got rid of their prior dog, Major, who also behaved aggressively, including biting Secret Service and White House staff. They eventually sent the dog, also a German shepherd, to live with friends in Delaware.

They should have sent it to a lab and used for some of Fauci’s animal experiments. Now I grew up with dogs and cats and know how to handle them. We never had a dog that was vicious like the Biden dogs. Considering the psychopath they grew up with, who knows what abuse they suffered. They certainly weren’t trained to not attack people.

I occasionally encounter people walking their dogs. I can tell in a matter of seconds if I need to keep an eye on them. With one exception, the dogs just wanted to be friends. Only once have I been concerned and that was someone walking their pitbull. I was literally on my front walk when I saw them and the dog snarled and nearly tore the owner’s arm off. I will give him credit, he worked to discipline his dog.

However, if he had lost his grip on the leash, there is no doubt that dog would have come at me. If it had, I would have had no choice but to defend myself, and that would have involved a couple of 9mm hollow points, with the owner paying for any medical attention I would have required.

This is the issue with some dogs. You are going to run across a few that are just plain bad. There isn’t much, in general, that can be done with these animals. Usually, with a good owner that knows what he or she is doing, they can keep even these dogs under control. One thing that Joe Biden is not, is a good owner. Of course, he’s not a good person himself, so keeping vicious dogs around doesn’t surprise me.

The Secret Service has long suffered from real dirt bags as presidents. Almost all of them have been Democrats. (Nixon is the one Republican I can think of who treated the Secret Service as his personal staff) The Biden Crime Family has to be one of the worst they’ve had to work with. That they haven’t demanded to be reassigned to Nome speaks to the general professionalism as bullet catchers. And that’s the thing. They’re there to catch bullets meant for the president, not to be used as a chew toy for Biden’s mutts. The sooner we can get rid of Biden, the better it will be for the Secret Service.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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