Biden declares ceasefire possible next week. Israel and Hamas go “WTF?”

Good day all. Since the October 7th terrorist attack in Israel, and Israel’s decision to end Hamas once and for all, the Progressive Liberal Democrats have been tearing themselves apart. At first Dim bulb Biden was somewhat OK with Israel retaliating, however when the Nazi side of the Democrat Party flat out backed Hamas, he started backsliding.

I’ve gone over how the Hamas wing of the Democrat Party in Congress have been not just demanding, but outright threatening Biden if he didn’t order Israel to stand down. Israel, on the other hand, has generally been ignoring Biden and Blinken. Recently, Biden announced that there was a good chance of a cease fire next week. Here are some of the details from Politico:

President Joe Biden on Monday evening said he thought a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas could be in place in roughly a week.

I hope by the end of the weekend,” Biden told reporters who asked about the time frame. He spoke while visiting a midtown Manhattan ice cream shop with NBC’s Seth Meyers after taping an appearance on his late night show.

My national security adviser tells me that we’re close, we’re close, we’re not done yet,” Biden continued. “My hope is by next Monday we’ll have a cease-fire.”

This is rather interesting. What is also interesting is the reaction from the Israelis and what’s left of Hamas. Here are some details on the Israeli response from the Jewish Press:

Senior Israeli officials said on Tuesday that they were unaware of any basis for U.S. President Joe Biden’s remarks on Monday that a hostage-for-ceasefire agreement in Gaza is imminent.

Ynet quoted the senior Israeli officials as saying on Tuesday morning that they do not understand “what the American president’s optimism is based on.”

This is diplomatic speak that translated goes “WTF is that senile idiot talking about? This is the first we’ve heard of it.” There are talks ongoing, but Hamas is, as usual, lying and stonewalling. As for Hamas? Their response was a bit more direct. Here are those details from Fox News:

President Biden’s predictions of a cease-fire agreement between Hamas and Israel are looking too sweet to be true, with multiple Hamas officials rejecting the current deal.

Biden predicted between licks of an ice cream cone on Monday that Hamas would accept a deal with Israel in the coming days, but statements from Hamas officials show little hope of progress. Multiple Hamas officials indicated on Tuesday and Wednesday that no breakthrough in negotiations had been made, according to The New York Times.

“We are not interested in engaging with what’s been floated, because it does not fulfill our demands,” Hamas official Ahmad Abdelhadi said in an interview with a Lebanese broadcaster.

The basic demands of Hamas are very simple. Israel must surrender and then line up to be killed to the last man, woman and child.

More concerning, Hamas spokesman Basem Naim said the terrorist organization had not even received “any new proposals” since the parties met last week.

Why am I not surprised that Biden was either saying the first thing that came into that pile of mush he calls a brain, or more likely, flat out lying again. Israel and Hamas are in a fight to the death and Hamas is looking more and more like the ones becoming one with a worm’s digestive tract.

Meanwhile, Israel is deep in the planning process for an expected invasion of Rafah, the Gaza town on the border with Egypt that plays host to both the final remnants of Hamas and key routes for aid. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said an invasion would proceed at some point regardless of whether a cease-fire agreement is reached.

“If we have a deal, it will be delayed somewhat, but it will happen. If we don’t have a deal, we’ll do it anyway,” Netanyahu said of the Rafah operation.

So much for Dementia Joe’s announcement that a cease fire is about to happen. There may be a delay, but Prime Minister Netanyahu, who’s government did screw up, is bound and determined to finish off Hamas once and for all. Biden and Antony Blinken have started pushing the old “2-state” solution, trying to force Israel to accept it. Israel has said that idea is now dead.

Now the question remains, was this something that Biden came up with or was it something he was told to say by his handlers? Rashida Tlaib, the representative of Hamas in the House has said that no one should vote for Biden until he forces a cease fire. (I wonder if that treasonous cow understands that if they need to, Mossad will render her unalive?)

The recent primary in Michigan and the large anti-Biden protest vote appears to have scared the Biden people. This my be why they had him throw this out. They’re trying to “Shame” Israel and Netanyau into surrendering. Well, on this, it looks like Israel and Hamas agree. This is a fight to the finish and Biden can go pound sand.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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