AOC claims the border invasion a false narrative by Conservatives

Good day all. Once again the dumbest member of Congress, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, has opened her mouth and dropped the collective IQ of the planet a few more points.

This time, the idiot decided to state that the Biden caused border disaster was a false narrative dreamed up by Republicans. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

On Friday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claimed that the crisis at the border is a “false narrative” created by Republicans who are being “xenophobic.

In an interview with Alex Wagner on MSNBC, Ocasio-Cortez said “The idea that Republicans, in order to win an election, say we need to hermetically seal the border when they know that that would be— that is economic self-sabotage to the US economy, and they are saying let’s do it anyway. And to compensate for the negative effects we’re gonna allow and throw people’s kids into factories. That is what they are doing in rolling back child-labor laws while being as xenophobic and anti-immigrant as they are, and while ginning up this, this false narrative about this being a crisis.”

I don’t know if that idiot is delusional or just stupid. (Probably both) She is definitely wrong. The Republicans aren’t “Rolling back child labor laws,” and they aren’t anti-immigrant. They are anti-criminals and that is who this moron is supporting. Criminals, and crossing the border illegally is a crime.

“We’re going to keep pretending this is a crisis while contributing to actual problems,” she said about Republicans. “And then we’re going to block the solution so that we can campaign on it over and over and over.”

I suspect she’s talking about that bill that was shot down in the House that people like her claimed would fix the border issues. What it did was throw billions at the Ukraine with no accountability, provided next to nothing to secure the borders Biden, the Democrats and the Chamber of Commerce Establishment Republicans, (RINO’s), want opened. In fact that garbage of a bill would have allowed 5000 illegal aliens into the country every day.

Ocasio-Cortez concluded alleged that Republicans have used the crisis at the border to cause “animosity and destruction in this country, and racism in this country.” She added, “Because that’s the only thing that the Republican Party even is standing on at this point.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson noted the time that President Biden didn’t need Congress to grant him more authority to shut the border, because he already had it. During his first days in office in 2021, Biden reversed several of Trump’s executive orders securing the border. By the time he took office, with campaign promises of opening the border, migrants were already lining up at the border to get in. 

This is what that liar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refuses to acknowledge. Under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, the borders were being secured and illegal crossings were way down. Thanks to the Tainted Election of 2020 and the installation of the Worst President in American History, literally millions of criminals have come into the country. This is ALL on Biden, his handlers and the Democrat Party. Biden can easily reverse everything he was told to do, but he won’t, or more likely, won’t be told to.

Since Biden has been president, there have been 7.3 million illegal immigrant encounters with Customs and Border Protection agents. In 2023, there were a record 2,475,699 encounters with CBP.

You can take that 7.3 million illegals and double it. Those are only the ones the Border Patrol caught. Then you have all the children that were brought across. A lot of them have flat out disappeared. Do you want to know what happened to them? They are being trafficked as sex slaves or being used as slave labor. This is what AOC won’t admit to. She and her political party are allowing this to happen.

The Democrat caused border crises is now turning the Democrats against each other. Thanks to the Governors of Texas and Florida, the Democrats in the “Sanctuary cities and states are finding out what the border states have been dealing with over the last few years.

Democrat mayors, such as Eric Adams in New York City, began speaking out about the issues they are having with the massive influx of illegal immigrants into their cities last year, and how unsustainable the crisis is.

Adams is leading the charge to end NYC’s sanctuary policies after embracing them early on. Like all the progressive liberal Democrat politicians, they’ve big on virtue signaling when it costs them nothing and they can look so virtuous to the morons like AOC. Now that hundreds of thousands illegals have been delivered to them, they are screaming for something to be done.

AOC is up for reelection and she has a GOP challenger. From the little I know of this guy, his chances are basically slim and none and slim has left the building. Hopefully someone else with a lot less baggage will stand for election against her. Republican, Independent or even a Democrat. AOC needs to be shown the door.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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