Yet another server update and RCA

Greetings all you nice people and 1400 bots now hitting the site. As you probably didn’t notice, since we rarely see a lot of visitors, we had a major outage last night.

The reason for this is simple and hopefully will improve things. As you no doubt noticed, we have been experiencing outages over the last few months, some lasting minutes, others a couple of hours. We had another one over the weekend and had to get our hosting service involved.

When we got the site back up, they commented that we were on an old server and would we like to move to a new one. Well of course we would! The hosting service did this and completed it after both I and the Angry Web Idiot had logged off for the night.

Silly me, I should have been paying attention. The move was completed and they notified us. We didn’t see it until this morning, (Actually I didn’t see it. That lazy idiot Webmaster is still asleep. He insists on getting 16 hours a night), and when I tried logging in, saw that the site was badly broken.

I was finally able to get in and locate the problem. It was another plugin we used for years for statistics on clicks. I went in to the file system, renamed it and the site came back up. Being a masochist, I tried loading another stat program and the damn thing crashed the site again. I went back in under the radar, renamed the folder and the site came back up.

There are a lot of things on the back end that are going to need some cleaning up. However, we hope that the new server will provide better stability and performance. We do apologize, (Or at least I do, That Angry Retard never apologizes for anything. He just blames everyone else for what happens. He must be a secret love child of the Bidens)

Thank you for your patience during this trying time.

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~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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One Response to Yet another server update and RCA

  1. Angry Webmaster says:

    WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!?!?


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