Chicago 2024 may look like Chicago 1968

Good day all. The Democrat National Committee selected Chicago to be the host city for their 2024 Presidential Convention. Apparently, no one remembers what happened the last time Chicago hosted the Convention. Not to worry though. The Pro-Hamas Nazi supporters look like they’re going to remind everyone.

For a short history lesson, in 1968 we were in the middle of the Vietnam War. People were not happy about it, especially draft age men in colleges. (We had military conscription back then, not a volunteer military) The protesters were making a lot of noise and then Mayor Richard Daley unleashed the Chicago Police on them. That event has been referred to as a police riot. In the end, the Democrats lost and Richard Nixon won the election.

Cue 2024 and the antisemitic protests by College Nazis are in full swing. These are people who support what happened to Israel on October 7th, 2023 and are desperate to stop Israel from wiping out Hamas. Now these same brown shirts are talking about going to Chicago to confront Biden for not helping Hamas destroy Israel. Here are the details from Fox News:

A coalition of anti-Israel agitators seeking to protest outside the Democratic National Convention in August are continuing to put pressure on the City of Chicago, alleging their First Amendment rights are being violated, while some Democrats fear unrest could disrupt the annual convention.

Please, don’t get my hopes up.

A series of lawsuits have been filed against the city in recent months by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the Anti-War Coalition, and Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Illinois — some of which have voiced support for the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago.

So we have the usual suspects from the Hard Left. Why they are suing now is a question.

In a Tuesday filing at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, the coalition of protesters stated they want to “engage in peaceful political speech and seek to exercise their First Amendment rights at the Convention to deliver their political messages directly to… President Biden.”

That sounds like they intend to storm the convention center to me. We’ve seen just how “Peaceful” these Nazis are lately. (They aren’t)

That effort is being stifled by the City of Chicago, which denied the groups “respective applications for parade permits within sight or sound of the Convention,” according to the filing.

Since when has not having a parade permit ever stopped a bunch of leftists from rioting? It’s what they do after all.

“Instead, the City, on information at the behest of the DNC, unilaterally decided to offer an alternative parade route approximately four (4) miles away buried on a tree lined street in an entirely other part of the City, clearly to protect President Biden and others from hearing the Plaintiffs’ political message,” the coalition stated in the filing. “In doing so, the City failed to consider to least restrictive route narrowly tailored to meet a compelling government interest. Indeed, the City admitted it considered no other alternative than the one it seeks to force on Plaintiffs and failed to engage Plaintiffs to consider less restrictive options.”

First, I am pretty much a First Amendment Absolutist. I loathe censorship. On the other hand, you have a large group that has a history of violence who might just be dumb enough to try and storm the convention center where the democrats will be holding court.

The 2024 Democratic convention, which is slated to be held this summer in Chicago at the United Center from August 19 – 22, will be attended by Democrats from all over the country. It will also be where the party announces its official nominee for the 2024 presidential election, which is expected to be a rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The groups also claimed the City of Chicago is “working with the DNC” in an effort “to limit the number of peaceful parades organized to deliver political speech by denying permit applications solely on the grounds that such applications are ‘duplicative.’”

Duplicative? WTF, Over? That doesn’t make any sort of sense to me. How can an application be duplicative? I’m assuming they are applying for different permits for different groups. Of course, these are Progressives and they aren’t known for things like common sense.

“This provision violated the First Amendment on its face as it is vague and overly broad and has been interpreted by the Defendants to allow … not only [denying] permit applications but even seek criminal and civil penalties against any organization and its members applying for a parade permit on more than one date or against two or more organizations with even a single member in common which seek parade permits,” the groups noted in the filing.

That will probably hold up in court. Of course, they could run into a Progressive Judge who doesn’t consider the Constitution to be a valid document these days.

The groups filed for a preliminary injunction and have requested a federal judge grant them better access to the event for their planned protest, which has been dubbed “March on the DNC 2024.”

I think that the actual name will be “Riot at the DNC 2024.”

“Instead of meeting with us and working out a compromise that brings us within sight and sound of the DNC, the city has tried to shut us away in a corner,” Liz Rathburn, a member of the Students for a Democratic Society at the University of Illinois Chicago, told one local outlet last month.

No, they aren’t going to. You seem to have forgotten that you are tools for the Democrats. Your job is to go after Republicans not the Democrat Party. Since you bozos are backing Hamas, not to mention the damage you’ve caused to the Democrats in general, they’ve decided to need a little neutering.

In a March filing, the coalition said Biden is “the one person who could stop the suffering in Gaza with a single phone call.”

Oh there is so much to attack here. First, there have been multiple phone calls and they’ve all ended with Prime Minister Netanyahu telling Biden to go sniff his own hair. The Coalition is backing a group that did things even the original Nazis would choke on. You and the other hard left Antisemites have managed to show the voters what the democrats stand for and it’s not protecting unarmed men, women and children from savages such as Hamas. As for the Palestinians in Gaza? They’ve backed Hamas in their attacks on Israel, so it sucks to be them.

The Washington Post noted in a Saturday morning report that Democrats are “bracing for massive protests” at the August convention as more and more anti-Israel protests sweep the nation, primarily on college campuses.

It looks like a few of the colleges have decided that these thugs need to be dealt with. When the police move in and grab these little Nazis, they’ve been discovering that up to half of the “Protesters” aren’t even students but paid provocateurs. The best part? It’s groups like yours that have been paying them.

“Peaceful protest is fundamental to American democracy, and has been a fixture of political conventions for decades,” Matt Hill, a spokesperson for the Democratic National Convention, said in a statement to the outlet.

Yes it is. You might want to try a peaceful protest some time instead of your usual riots and arson.

“While Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans stoke political violence, we support the ongoing security coordination at all levels of government to keep our convention safe.”

Hill added, “When the country looks to Chicago this August, the unity and excitement of Democrats will stand in stark contrast to the chaos and extremism stewing in the GOP.”

There he goes again. The Progressives always try to compare themselves to President Trump and the people who want to Make America Great Again. They love to claim that the Deplorable Ultra MAGA Republicans are violent. They keep calling January 6th an insurrection. When you tell them that if it had been an actual insurrection the Democrats in Congress would have been decorating lamp posts, their eyes cross the stick their fingers in their ears and go “NANANANANANAN I can’t Hear you!”

Similar protests are planned for the Republican National Convention in July. However, the Post noted the protests planned for the Democratic National Convention are likely to be “more robust.”

Probably due to Trump supporters not putting up with the protesters crap. Chicago is a Progressive Democrat controlled city and the future rioters only worry will be gangbangers holding them up with Glocks illegally converted to full automatic fire. You know, people they usually support….from a distance.

“We’ll be marching with or without permits. This DNC is the most important one since 1968, also in Chicago when Vietnam War protesters and the black liberation movement organized mass demonstrations that were violently repressed,” Hatem Abudayyeh, executive director of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, said at a conference last month. “The march on the DNC will be the largest mobilization for Palestine in the history of the city.”

So much for being lawful and peaceful. Considering how bad the morale is for the Chicago police department is, not to mention how understaffed, I see some interesting times next August, and I’m not alone.

Reacting to concern among Democrats who may be worried with how the protests could impact the party’s image come August, Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk wrote in a Thursday post to X, “The Democratic National Convention this August has a good chance of outdoing 1968!”

There is one thing that might mute the protests. They might be moot if things proceed as expected in Gaza. The IDF is currently preparing the battlefield around the last Hamas stronghold. Once they are ready, they will be going in and that will be the end of Hamas in Gaza. By August, Israel will be doing mop up operations and destroying what’s left of the infrastructure Hamas build. (With American and European tax dollars)

If Hamas has been wiped out and Israel is basically demobilizing, what will there be for them to protest? I would love to ask these morons and moonbats that question. “Why are you here? What are you protesting? It’s all over and has been for several months. You lost losers.” They might as well fold their tents, call it a day and go home and sulk.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Chicago 2024 may look like Chicago 1968

  1. Jason says:

    Lest we forget, too, keep in mind that the area assigned for protesters and the like for the Republican Convention is, apparently, IMMEDIATIELY adjacent to the convention center and the route delegates and the like need to take to get into said center.
    Ought to make for PLENTY of footage to show the “extremist and chaotic” Republicans “violently” suppressing the “peaceful” (HA!) protestors…

    • I haven’t followed the GOP convention news other then it’s being held in Wisconsin.

      • Jason says:

        Sorry I don’t have links handy, but apparently the RNC has requested the Secret Service review the current plan…
        And the Secret Service has essentially refused…
        Kinda feels like they’re trying to engineer the conditions for a Kent State event at the RNC…


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