Trump explains why he isn’t hammering Biden as hard as you would think

Good day all. Since the Debate, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, has been going around the country campaigning. What he hasn’t been doing, which is surprising, is hammering Joe Biden and the Democrats as hard as you would expect.

There is a reason for this. President Trump is following the Napoleon Protocol. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Trump campaign doesn’t want to “get in the way” of Democrats “shooting at each other” over President Biden’s re-election chances, with a source telling Fox News Digital that the former president prefers to focus on campaigning and the upcoming Republican National Convention instead of on his rival’s implosion.

“Democrats are in disarray,” the Trump campaign source told Fox News Digital. “Why get in the way of them shooting at each other?” 

As I said, President Trump is using the Napoleon Protocol. For those of you who might not be aware, here is the quote from Napoleon Bonaparte regarding his enemies and mistakes.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”


The Democrats are in turmoil over the obvious unfitness of Joe Biden to hold office. Actually, what they are is furious that everything they’ve done to hide his unfitness to hold office, mental, physical and ethical, has failed completely. Now they’re turning on both Biden and each other. As for President Trump and the Republicans?

The Trump campaign has its sights set on the GOP nominating convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which begins July 15 and runs through July 18, the source told Fox News Digital. Trump is expected to be formally nominated during the convention as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. 

“We have the convention coming up, we have two rallies coming up, and we have the VP announcement coming up,” the source said. “We are focused on what we have to do and the big news coming from us.” 

That big news is who the next Vice President of the United States will be. I think it’s safe to assume it won’t be Mike Milquetoast Pence.

The Trump campaign source added: “We’ll let the Democrats shoot at each other all day long.”

And the only thing the Republicans are going to do is offer the Democrats more ammo, on them.

Meanwhile, Biden, in his Monday letter to Democratic members of Congress, urged them to stop questioning whether he should end his re-election bid and “move forward as a unified party.” 

The Democrats should check the signature on that letter and see if it actually matches Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden’s. Meanwhile the polls are not moving President Trump’s way. The Republican convention is next week, and, of course, I won’t be watching it. I’ll just look at highlights. Honestly, it looks like it will be the Democrat Convention that’s going to be the more entertaining of the two. That’s when the DNC will more to toss both Biden and Harris out.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Trump explains why he isn’t hammering Biden as hard as you would think

  1. I made a slight update to one of the images. 🙂


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