We now have a new game to play. Where’s Kamala?

There is an old game for children called “Where’s Waldo?” The game basically consists if a picture of a large crowd and the game is to find the intrepid traveler, Waldo. Now it seems we might have a new version of this game. It’s called “Where’s Kamala?

Since Kackling Kamala forced the Dementia Patient, Joe Biden, off the ticket and made herself, (With the assistance of Obama, Pelosi and the Democrat donors), the new presidential nominee, she hasn’t had a single press conference. Now people are wondering, “Where’s Kamala?” Here are the details from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris has gone 14 days without holding a formal press conference since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as of Sunday, August 4th.

Harris announced that she had locked up the nomination late on July 22, declaring that she had won commitments of backing from a majority of the nearly 4,000 delegates to next month’s Democratic National Convention. She has since hit the campaign trail, spoken at various events, and even chatted with reporters here and there, but hasn’t done a formal press conference or wide-ranging interview in the 13 days that have followed. 

Those delegates were basically told: “You are voting for Kamala Harris or else!” Pretty much the standard way the Democrat Party works. Just ask Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. etc.

She also failed to appear at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago, where former President Trump made headlines on Wednesday with a heated question-and-answer session.

And, as expected, the Progressives are trotting out the old “Trump dared to stand up to a Left Wing journalist who is black! He is a racist Screee!!!

On Thursday, she briefly addressed reporters at Joint Base Andrews as she and President Biden greeted Americans freed from Russia in a massive prisoner swap, including Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

From what I’ve been reading, that was a bit of a disaster for both Biden and Harris. First, the former Russian prisoners were prevented from getting off the plane or their families coming on to see them until Biden and Harris had arrived, gone on board and “greeted them.” Then Harris gave a speech that was one of her patented off the cuff word salads. It was so bad that a cleaned up version, (Read, rewritten to actually make sense) was posted to the White House web site.

Harris, who became the likely nominee without receiving a single primary vote when President Biden announced he would step aside last month, has been so elusive that The New York Times published excerpts from an interview she conducted last year to see where her answers “land now.” 

Not receiving any primary votes is something Kackling Kamala, the blow job queen, is quite expert at. She didn’t receive any in the 2020 primaries either. So much for the Democrats vaunted claims of “Supporting democracy!”

National Review senior writer Noah Rothman asked his social media followers on Wednesday, “When is Kamala Harris going to hold a press conference?”

I can hazard an answer. How about the 5th of Never?

The RNC Research account on X noted on Wednesday that she has only done “teleprompter speeches,” and conservative pundit Ben Shapiro said Harris “has not answered ONE difficult question in the last week and a half.”

There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost, the Kackling Kameltoe is incredibly stupid. Unlike Dementia Joe, Harris knows she isn’t that smart, but is far to lazy to actually do anything about it, such as study. Her usual method for advancement involves a bed and someone who can help her advance to yet another, higher position she is not competent to hold. (The position she is most competent for is flat on her back)

NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham expects her to follow President Biden’s 2020 playbook, when he was famously accused of hiding in his basement during the COVID pandemic. 

Yeah, good luck with that. Back then Biden had the excuse of the Fauci Flu to hide out in his bunker. That is long over. If Harris tries to pull the same thing, it will blow up in her face. (Will just skip over the whole potential stolen election for now)

“Kamala Harris should absolutely hold a press conference. One would expect it when she names her vice-presidential pick. But we cannot expect her to break from Biden’s serial avoidance of press conferences,” Graham told Fox News Digital. 

Biden’s handlers, along with Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden knew that they couldn’t let Dementia Joe have any off the cuff press conferences. Biden’s mental collapse would have become so obvious that his handlers wouldn’t be able to cover it up. This is what happened with the debate between Biden and the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. From that came the line that sank Biden’s campaign:

I Really Don’t Know What He Said at the End of That Sentence and I Don’t Think He Knows That Either.” (Donald Trump referring to a Biden debate answer)

“Since the 2020 campaign, we have witnessed the bizarre spectacle of Donald Trump granting wide access to networks that suggest he’s a fascist and hammer him daily, while Biden and Harris won’t grant interviews to media outlets that gurgle all over them and their ‘historic accomplishments,’” he continued. “Either they think the press can never be servile enough or they are projecting a complete lack of confidence in their efforts to put complete sentences together.” 

Embrace the power of the word “And” Mr. Graham. Harris thinks that the press can’t be to servile, (And they are certainly proving that every day), and she lacks confidence in her ability to put a sentence together.

DePauw University media studies professor Jeffrey McCall believes the Harris campaign is “well aware that Biden dodged the media throughout his 2020 campaign and still got elected.”

Yes, Biden was “Elected” if you ignore all the little problems with massive voting and electoral irregularities.

“The Harris camp is also well aware that their candidate doesn’t do well in unscripted settings, not to mention that a presser or legitimate sit-down interview would necessarily require her to defend some of her positions, previous statements and record.”

Some of those “Previous positions” included tearing up the Constitution of the United States and ruling by decree. One of these was issuing an executive order regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action. (April 22, 2019)

Kackling Kamala has a long history of words and deeds that most Americans, if they were aware of them, would be appalled at.

Thus, a rerun of the Biden basement campaign sounds pretty good, as long as you throw in a couple of rallies with Megan Thee Stallion,” McCall added, referring to the rapper who appeared at Harris’ Atlanta rally on Tuesday. 

He suggested that Harris doesn’t feel pressure “to do a press conference just because she has fallen into the nomination” because Democrats will support her either way. 

Harris may not feel the pressure now, but the Trump campaign and the RNC are just getting ramped up. Since President Trump has named a date for a Debate with Heels Up, the pressure on Harris will only increase. While her sycophants in the Democrat Propaganda Corps may cover for her, many others won’t.

“The supporters rallying around her don’t expect her to be accountable and have little interest in her policy positions and so on. That she’s not Biden, or Trump, is sufficient for those supporters,” McCall said. 

Yellow Dog Democrats. These are people who are so blind that they would vote for a yellow dog if it were a Democrat.

“From a rhetorical strategy standpoint, however, it would behoove Harris to actually do a presser and do real journalistic interviews,” he continued.  “At some point, it would seem, she’ll have to attract moderates or undecided voters who want to see her take questions.”

This is what frightens Kackling Kamala and the DNC. Right now the biggest concerns for the American voters are the economy and illegal immigration. These are things that Harris has completely failed on, especially immigration. She was named by Biden, despite what the MSM is trying to say, to fix the border problems that they had created. Harris just dodged the whole things and mumbled about “Root causes.”

As for the economy, while she might not have had a major hand in it, she was part of the maladministration and the Trump campaign will rightfully tie that around her neck. Add to that her previous statements in favor of the “Green New Deal” and basically communism and she will have no choice but to come out and insert her foot into her mouth hold a press conference. The MSM may be covering for her, but they also have a major credibility problem after covering up Biden’s mental decline. They might decide they have no choice but to push Harris to answer questions. Oh who am I kidding? This is the Fake News people.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to We now have a new game to play. Where’s Kamala?

  1. Vance answered more press questions yesterday alone than Heels Up has since her coronation as the democrat ”Chosen One”

  2. Diane Guinn says:

    Harris looks good compared to her VP running mate. What a disaster!


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