Acting Secret Service director denied President Trump extra security

Good day all. Since the attempted assassination of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, people have been looking at the Secret Service and wondering how they could have been so stupid and incompetent. So much as come out, both in hearings and from whistleblowers that people are beginning to think that the leadership of the Secret Service wanted to get President Trump killed.

As time has passed, more and more information has been coming out showing the gaping hole in the security cordon left by the Secret Service. We’re also learning that the Secret Service leadership denied repeated requests for additional security by President Trump’s people. It now looks like the acting director of the Secret Service was the one who refused the additional security. Here are some of the details from Newsmax:

Acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe had a direct role in denying extra security resources, including countersnipers for former President Donald Trump’s rallies, sources say in a report that he flatly denied while testifying before Congress Tuesday.

In a RealClear Politics expose Tuesday before the hearing, journalist Susan Crabtree documents that Rowe denied repeated requests from agents who have been assigned to protect Trump over the past two years.

Rowe and former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, were both involved in the decisions to deny requests for more agents, magnetometers, and other resources needed to screen people attending Trump’s large outdoor rallies, according to Crabtree’s reporting. 

I’ve linked to the RealClear Politics story which is far more extensive then the Newsmax story. Going by the story, it looks like it may have been published prior to the testimony of Ronald Rowe and Newsmax’s story appears to have been published after his perjury testimony.

But when asked during Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday about the report, Rowe told Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., that it was a “false statement” to claim that he denied sniper coverage outside of driving distance from Washington, D.C.

“That is incorrect,” Rowe told Johnson, who responded that Rowe would have to refute the claims with “documentation.”

That was something I didn’t see in Ms. Crabtree’s article. Actual documents. However, if she was protecting her sources, and we’ve seen just how vindictive the various Federal Law Enforcement organizations have been to anyone who reports on their activities, either to the oversight committees or to the media, then not publishing copies of the documents makes sense. Add to this contradictory stories that have appeared in the MSM and I tend to believe Ms. Crabtree.

Crabtree further reported in her article that her sources had confirmed that Rowe alone had made the decision to deny countersniper teams to any of Trump’s events that were not within driving distance from Washington, D.C. 

Butler is 264.2 miles, or approximately a distance of five hours and nine minutes, from the capital, according to Google Maps. 

Five hours? And they considered that too far? Good thing they weren’t driving in Texas. I think 5 hours might get you across one county.

Meanwhile, Crabtree Tuesday night discussed an email from the Secret Service’s countersniper team, in which an officer spoke out about the lack of protection at the Trump rallies. 

“We should all expect another attempt to happen before November,” the officer said in the email. “We’ve exposed our inability to protect our leaders due to our leadership. Secret Service supervisors knew better, and the foot soldiers working made the best of a bad decision.”

I’m going to say that most of the rank and file agents are very upset with the current management of the United States Secret Service. Cheatle may be gone, but from the sounds of it, a major housecleaning is in order. (This would include serious retraining and requalifying agents assigned to the protective details)

“I have to deal with the facts,” Crabtree told Kelly. “My sources are telling me only that Director Cheatle did not like Donald Trump. They have not said it was a direct political decision to deny him repeated requests for extra security over two years. These requests were coming from the detail of his own team, the innermost ring of his security. They have a lot more explaining to do.”

There has been others reporting the same thing, including members of Congress that Secret Service agents have reached out to. It’s stories like this, along with all the more recent news about the assassination attempt and the incompetence of the Secret Service that is making more and more people think that this was intentional.

They, (Cheatle, Mayorkis and others), created the conditions to let a nutjob get into place to murder the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. By sheer luck and a turned head, President Trump survived the attempt. The Biden Maladministration’s continued stonewalling is only feeding the belief that they actively tried to kill Donald Trump. Right now this is in the realm of Conspiracy Theory. However, we’ve seen what the track record of conspiracy theorists has been of late.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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  1. A modern teen with no electronic footprint?


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