Big Loser Cori Bush threatens pro-Israel group

I meant to post this a week ago, but things happened. recently, one of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s “Squad” members was defeated in her primary. Soon to be former representative Cori Bush is being shown the door.

Cori Bush as a member of the House of Representatives was not known for being polite and she has several ethics complaints against her as well. What probably ended her political career was backing Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel. (In very many words) This caused a number of organizations to back her primary opponent. Being the ever so humble and subtle individual she is, Bush threatened AIPAC during her concession speech. Here are the details from Fox News:

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri used her concession speech this week to blast the nation’s largest pro-Israel group, warning them to “be afraid.”

Bush — who lost her primary election to a pro-Israel Democratic rival financially backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) — warned that the group’s influence on the election has “radicalized” her.

Bush called out AIPAC in her concession speech — “All they did is radicalize me, so they need to be afraid,” she said. 

“AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down,” Bush declared. “And let me put all of these corporations on notice, I’m coming after you, too!” 

I’m sure that AIPAC is quaking in their boots.

Pro-Israel groups spent millions to unseat Bush, a vocal critic of the war in Gaza and the Jewish state. 

And good on them. With the October 7th attack and Israel’s all out war on Hamas, Jewish voters have seen just how much support from the Democrats they can expect. Basically, none.

Bush said in her concession speech that leaving the legislature will strip her of “strings” holding her back from fighting AIPAC in earnest.

“Because now, there are some strings that I have attached,” Bush said. “And as much as I love my job, all they did was radicalize me, and now they should be afraid.”

And what is that fat antisemitic communist going to do? Come January 2025, she is out. Even better, since she didn’t make it to three terms, she gets nothing from that gold plated pension system Congress has set up for itself. As for political donations? Those have probably already dried up. Frankly, I don’t know what she is actually qualified to do. Perhaps she should learn how to say “Would you like fries with your order?

Bush is the second member of the Squad of communists to be sent into well deserved obscurity. Sadly, the others are still there and are pushing their goals of Communism, Antisemitism and the collapse of the United States. Eventually, they too will be shown the door.

I like to think that the removal of Cori Bush and False Alarm Bowman are a good start. Perhaps they will go to the AIPAC offices and do something really stupid and get thrown into jail for a nice long time. We can only hope.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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