Brazilian Judge threatens Musk, Twitter staff with arrest

Good day all. Since Elon Musk bought Twitter, (Now called X by no one), and blew the whistle on Big Tech’s working with the Deep State to censor people’s speech that they didn’t like. This came to be known as the Twitter Files.

Since then, the assaults on Free Speech by the Deep State and Big Tech continue, however they are getting slammed themselves, especially since they things they were censoring turned out to be true. However, we still have issues with foreign governments demanding that American based Social media companies censor posts they disagree with, even if they are made by Americans.

The most recent threat came from the formally Great Britain, where the London Metro police commissioner threatened to charge and extradite American citizens for violating British censorship laws. That went over like a lead balloon with millions of Americans basically saying, “Ok, go ahead and try.”

Since tyrants gotta be tyrannical, quite a number of foreign idiots have continued making threats. The latest one is a Brazilian judge who has ordered Elon Musk to take down posts that he doesn’t like or else. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Social media giant X is closing its offices in Brazil due to legal threats from Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes.

The company claimed Saturday that executives were “forced to make this decision” after de Moraes threatened arrests if the platform did not take down content deemed problematic by the Brazilian government.

“Last night, Alexandre de Moraes threatened our legal representative in Brazil with arrest if we do not comply with his censorship orders,” the X Global Government Affairs office announced via the platform. “He did so in a secret order, which we share here to expose his actions.”

This is typical of a lot of Eurotrash and Turd World “Judicial” systems. They truly think that they can issue orders against foreign nationals who aren’t even in the country issuing the order, especially Americans in the United States. This is classic imperial thinking. Elon Musk and his corporate officers made the only decision they really could. The closed the offices in Brazil.

“Despite our numerous appeals to the Supreme Court not being heard, the Brazilian public not being informed about these orders and our Brazilian staff having no responsibility or control over whether content is blocked on our platform, Moraes has chosen to threaten our staff in Brazil rather than respect the law or due process. As a result, to protect the safety of our staff, we have made the decision to close our operation in Brazil, effective immediately.”

Apparently, that little judicial fascistic tyrant ordered TwitterX to pull down several accounts claiming they were spreading “Hateful and misleading information” regarding former President Jair Bolsonaro. I, like most Americans have little to no information on what is going on in Brazil and care even less. The problem with this Fascist’s orders is that it appears to be illegal.

“Due to demands by “Justice” [de Moraes] in Brazil that would require us to break (in secret) Brazilian, Argentinian, American and international law, ? has no choice but to close our local operations in Brazil,” X owner Elon Musk said on social media Saturday. “He is an utter disgrace to justice.”

Musk later followed-up on that message, writing, “The decision to close the ? office in Brazil was difficult, but, if we had agreed to [de Moraes]’s (illegal) secret censorship and private information handover demands, there was no way we could explain our actions without being ashamed.”

Apparently, TwitterX had initially agreed to comply with lawful requests.

X representatives previously told the Supreme Court of Brazil that it would comply with legal rulings ordering the censorship of problematic accounts. 

However, when those measures failed to materialize, X’s lawyers told the court that “operational faults” made it impossible to follow through on the orders. 

Basically TwitterX said, “Ok, provide the appropriate legal rulings and documents and we will go from there. Instead, Alexandre de Moraes, who is currently serving as president of the Superior Electoral Court and as a justice of the Supreme Federal Court, apparently ignored the law and went full on Star Chamber against TwitterX.

This has led TwitterX to close down all their offices in Brazil. I don’t know what happened to the TwitterX employees based there. I assume those who were from other countries have been pulled out. The others, in order to protect them, were probably laid off and given really massive severance packages. What hasn’t happened was Elon Musk taking down any posts or closing accounts. The Brazilian people can still access TwitterX, and will continue to do so unless Brazil active blocks the platform. I’m sure that will make Alexandre de Moraes very popular.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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