Texas just hit the Democrats where it really hurts. Right in the voter rolls

Good day all. Since the Tainted Election of 2020, many states have taken to cleaning their voter rolls with a passion. Others, have not. (You can guess which party which party and which states) One of the states clearing out the deadwood is Texas.

Since the last presidential election, Texas has removed over 1 Million+ ineligible voters from the rolls, including thousands of non-citizens. Here are the details from Fox News:

Texas has purged 1.1 million names from voting rolls since the 2020 presidential election after the state found them to be ineligible, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday.

Abbott signed election integrity bill SB 1 into law in 2021 that requires the secretary of state to work with the Department of Public Safety to compare information on citizenship status in that agency’s database to the voter rolls. The checks are required to be “monthly.”

“Election integrity is essential to our democracy,” Abbott wrote in a statement. “I have signed the strongest election laws in the nation to protect the right to vote and to crack down on illegal voting.”

“These reforms have led to the removal of over one million ineligible people from our voter rolls in the last three years, including noncitizens, deceased voters, and people who moved to another state,” he continued.

One of the major issues with the voter rolls are those who have died. They should be removed asap, but that almost never happens. Traditionally, these are the “people” who always can be counted on to vote Democrat in elections. (See Chicago) Others have moved away and registered in their new states.

As I understand it, that state should be notifying the original state on the updated residency and voter registration. Obviously, this doesn’t happen. For 99.9% of the people affected, it’s not an issue, The vote only in their new home location. However, there are a few that willfully break the law, (cough Democrats cough), and vote in both locations.

The Texas government has referred cases of ineligible voters participating in an election to Attorney General Ken Praxton for prosecution.

“The Secretary of State and county voter registrars have an ongoing legal requirement to review the voter rolls, remove ineligible voters, and refer any potential illegal voting to the Attorney General’s Office and local authorities for investigation and prosecution,” Abbott wrote.

Now just being on the voter rolls in two locations, while a problem, isn’t the real issue. It’s those who also vote in both locations that is the issue. You also have thousands of non-citizens who have ended up on the voter rolls. Again, as long as they don’t vote, it’s a minor issue and is generally chalked up to an error somewhere. Only if they cast a vote to the cross the line.

The governor’s office offered a chart that breaks down reasons for removal from the voting rolls and categorized estimates for individuals in each category.

That was nice of him.

The largest group of Texas residents disqualified in the audit was “voters on the suspense list” – people who have failed to properly confirm their residential address in the state. More than 463,000 individuals were included in this category.

The way Texas and most other states do this is send out a letter or post card to the voter at the listed address. If they respond, they’re either kept on the rolls, or they have indicated that they have moved, they are taken off the rolls. If there is no response, they are also removed from the rolls.

The second-most prominent category was “deceased people” still included on the voting rolls, which numbered more than 457,000.

I can just see the Democrat Party screaming about Texas “Suppressing the right of the deceased to vote!” and threatening to sue Texas. (Hyperbole, I know, but I wouldn’t put it past them to do this)

The governor’s office said approximately 6,500 noncitizens were purged from the rolls, and almost 2,000 of those noncitizens are alleged to have cast votes in past elections.

A few hundred noncitizens ending up on the rolls due to some paperwork screw up, (Say checking a box on a form when getting a license by mistake), but 6500+ with at least 2000 actually voting? That looks like an active conspiracy to me and it looks like Attorney General Paxton agrees. Search warrants and raids have been conducted. (I might do a post on that too)

The recent moves to tighten up voter and election security is driving the Democrats off the deep end. They are moving to get the courts to stop these actions. That should tell you all you need to know about the Democrats goals. Open, honest and fair elections, with accurate vote tallies. They are utterly opposed to anything that interferes with their ability to steal an election. Keep up the good work Texas!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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