Tampon Tim Walz and his tyrannical tendencies

Good day all. Since Kackling Kamala Harris, the retired prostitute and current Vice Disaster President selected Minnesota Govno Tim Walz as her running mate, people have started looking into his past. It’s not good. First was his desertion, I mean sudden retirement from the National Guard just prior to his unit’s deployment to Iraq.

Beside his Stolen Valor claims, his actions as Governor of Minnesota, especially during the Great Panicdemic of 2020 and the Summer of Fiery have been buried by the Democrat Propaganda Corp, also known as the Main Stream Media. However the attempts by the MSM haven’t been as successful as they hoped. One such issue was his ordering the arrest of people who violated his lockdown orders. Here are the details from Fox News:

While Kamala Harris has issued glowing reviews of her VP pick, not all Minnesota residents share the same perspective on Gov. Tim Walz’s leadership. 

A former business owner slammed the executive’s policies, recounting an ordeal that left her facing jail time after defying Walz’s strict COVID lockdown policies.

“[Tim Walz’s] policies destroy the American people’s rights, the Minnesotans’ rights to be specific. He destroyed so many businesses in the state of Minnesota never to open again. He destroyed so many lives in Minnesota, literally,” Lisa Hanson said on “America’s Newsroom,” Wednesday. 

Ms. Hanson owned a business called the Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro in a town about 90 miles from Minneapolis. Like every other business, they were forced to shut down by the State government. At the time, most people assumed the lock down would only last a couple of weeks. I don’t need to go over what actually happened. The Deep State saw this as their opportunity to “Get Trump!” and the blue states basically declared martial law and suspended the constitution. Minnesota was no exception, especially under Tampon Tim Walz.

Initially, Hanson complied with the shutdown ordered that March. The grandmother of 18 watched for months afterward as Walz never fully reopened the state when it came to businesses deemed nonessential.

It was funny what the Progressive Liberal Democrat Govno’s considered to to be essential and nonessential. It boiled down to things they wanted to use being deemed essential and anything they didn’t have an interest in as nonessential. A number of blue states also tried to shut down gun stores and gun ranges. That failed very quickly as it was a direct impingement on the 2nd Amendment. (Which is why those Commies, Fascists and Nazi tried to do it)

Hanson eventually decided to reopen her business and defied Walz’s renewed shutdown order for bars and restaurants six times between December 2020 and January 2021. 

The reason for opening was to avoid bankruptcy. We still haven’t recovered economically from the lockdown nonsense. Thanks to the Biden-Harris maladministration, the recovery that should have happened stagnated. People like Walz, who think that their word is law are the reason why.

She was convicted in December 2021 on misdemeanor charges and received the maximum sentence of 90 days and a $1,000 fine. Hanson ended up serving two-thirds of her sentence, 60 days.

“When I faced these tyrannical leaders, if you will, there were no rights,” she said. “This is a really important story that needs to be shared. America needs to know what kind of a man Tim Walz is.”

Within, hours Walz’s secret police went after Ms. Hansen. In the end, she was bankrupted and her business closed. Walz doesn’t care. This was just one of the things that Communist pig did during the lockdown. Another was ordering police to fire on people sitting on their porches, on their property and ignoring his house arrest orders.

Yes, these were with paintball guns, but those things can hurt people and if you are hit in the face, you could be blinded. (People playing paintball wear a lot of protective gear for a reason, including faceplates and eye protection) This could have also gone very bad for the police doing this. Shooting at someone with a paintball gun and hitting a family member was hit in the chest and it was red paint

Someone thinking their wife, sister, son or daughter had just been shot by a cop might have caused them to grab a gun and return fire with live ammo. That could have spiraled out of control very quickly. It was also an illegal order that the police should have flat out refused to follow. (If for their own personal safety if for no other reason)

This is the type of “man” Tampon Timmy is. A petty little tyrant with delusions of grandeur and competence. In other words, he’s the perfect fit for Comrade Kackling Kamala. Expect things like this and far worse to happen if those two get their hands on the levers of power.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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