Secret Service fires on man with rifle near Trump

Good day all. This is a breaking story. The Secret Service has fired on and arrested someone in apparent assassination attempt on President Trump. President Trump is unharmed.

This incident occurred when President Trump was at the Trump International Golf Club. Details are still coming in of course so the 72 hour rule is now in effect. Here are what details we have from Fox News:

Former President Donald Trump was safe after the Secret Service fired at a gun-toting man outside Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sunday, sources told Fox News.

Well, it looks like the Secret Service got rid of the DEI hires and brought back the first team.

Authorities are treating the case as a potential assassination attempt, and arrested a suspect, a U.S. official told Fox News. The man, who was not immediately identified, was allegedly armed with a rifle when agents fired at him.

“This does not appear to be some random guy with an AK-47 walking outside Trump’s club,” the official added.

Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson confirmed that the Secret Service opened fire after they saw a man lift an AK-47. The suspect fled in a car, but was quickly apprehended, authorities said.

So I’m guessing that this loser wasn’t able to get a shot off? That he was able to escape indicates to me that the Secret Service Agents missed him. I’m guessing they opened fire with their sidearms and not rifles since that would be what they were carrying at that moment. They were probably trying to pin down this turd while President Trump was evacuated and heavier weapons were broken out.

Trump was on the fifth hole of his course when the shots rang out, prompting his protective detail to swarm him and usher him to the safety of the clubhouse. The incident may prove to be the second attempt on the former president’s life in just two months.

This is all on the Democrats, Kackling Kamala Harris, Tampon Tim Walz the deserter and Joe Biden. For eight years they have been calling President Trump a “Threat to Democracy” and that he must be stopped at all costs. Instead of trying to walk things back after the last attempt, they have been continuing on and trying to memory hole what happened.

Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, citing local law enforcement, said the suspect’s rifle was discovered in the bushes. Four shots were fired, Hannity also confirmed through local law enforcement. Hannity said Trump’s initial reaction inside the clubhouse was to make sure everyone was okay.

Fox News host Bret Baier also spoke to Trump, who praised the Secret Service for acting quickly. Trump reaffirmed to Baier that he was fine and there was no evidence any shots were near him or hitting near him. 

“Tell everybody I am fine and the Secret Service did a great job,” Trump told Baier. 

As I said before, it looks like they got rid of the DEI hires brought in to facilitate the first assassination attempt and brought back President Trump’s primary team. Now there is a lot we do not know. Since they took this walking piece of human debris alive and he is in custody, they will be able to ask him some very pointed questions.

We can also expect that the Progressives will once again start demanding the complete confiscation of of every privately owned firearm tomorrow. What’s more important is that it looks like no one was hurt this time. Stay tuned for more information.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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