Paula Priesse – Episode 7 “Mis-Fortune” Teller

Hey there, AW here. (That’s Angry Webmaster for those of you in Rio Linda)  Once again it’s another video from our favorite Moonbat Paula. Now I didn’t realize just how long she has been doing this.

This video was done shortly before the 2010 mid-term elections. Paula was very nervous about the outcome of the election. So nervous she actually consulted a fortune teller. To bad this one was more concerned about Paula’s cash than admitting that the Democrats were going to get their heads handed to them last November. 😀

Still, It is Paula and we should see just how concerned she was. Also it’s nice watching her trust fund get lightened a bit by the con artist fortune teller, Madam Leona.

Poor Madam Leona. (No, we don’t mean financially thanks to Paula), she knows the truth. However she also knows what side her bread is buttered on and she definitely wants that bread. ((For those of you who missed the 60’s & 70’s, that means cash))

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5 Responses to Paula Priesse – Episode 7 “Mis-Fortune” Teller

  1. Paula Priesse – Episode 7 “Mis-Fortune” Teller – #angercentralarchives

  2. Bobby says:

    The makers of that video got owned. LMAO!

  3. Paula Priesse – Episode 7 “Mis-Fortune” Teller – #angercentralarchives

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