Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini

Greetings all. Apparently “The One” gave a speech last night where he whined and complained that the meany Republicans weren’t going to let him tax America into Oblivion.

To quote my favorite columnist, Michelle Malkin, “Boo-Freaking-Hoo!”

I’m not going to write about the speech since I watched something I actually enjoy. Eureka and Warehouse 13. 🙂

I’m going to write about something I noticed about Barack Obama and how he holds himself in public. No, he isn’t grabbing what passes for his balls. I’m speaking about how he holds his head.

He has a pronounced tendency to cant his head back and look down his nose at people. It shows an incredible arrogance. Someone else who did this was Benito Mussolini. Now I’m not comparing Obama to Mussolini. That would be unfair to Mussolini. He was actually somewhat competent.

No, I’m only comparing their attitudes. Allow me to demonstrate what I mean.


Il Duce

Notice the upturned chin, the half closed eyes, the frown? All denoting a sort of “I know what’s good for you so shut up or else!” aura.

Now observe Barack Obama.

 Obama propaganda poster

Notice how he has the same upthrust chin, the slitted eyes and the frown. Yep, looks to me like he’s trying to emulate Il Duce. ((il Du·ce [eel doo-chey; It. eel doo-che] il Duce, the leader: applied especially to Benito Mussolini as head of the fascist Italian state.)) Obama certainly has a lot of the same ideas that Mussolini had. Starting and losing wars, nationalization, etc, etc, etc.

I wonder if “The One” realizes he’s mimicking “il Duce”? Probably not. Barack Obama only notices Barack Obama. I have a suspicion he hasn’t noticed that the First Hippo Lady has put on a few tons pounds either. 😉

So that’s my opinion and you are more than welcome to it. Obama is trying to look like Mussolini. Although I think Mussolini actually looks better in a uniform, and I understand he actually served in the military, unlike Old Douche bag. (Brave sir Barack, he ran away and ran away!)

That is all

~The Angry Webmaster~

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9 Responses to Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini

  1. Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini – #angercentralarchives

  2. Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini – #angercentralarchives

  3. Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini – #angercentralarchives

  4. Barack Obama and Benito Mussolini – #angercentralarchives

  5. Bobby says:

    That is a good point.  I should start paying more attention to Barack Obama’s intentions.

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