I can quit ANY TIME!

Angry Webmaster here.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, (Which most people have I’m afraid), then you know there is a debt crisis in the United States. For all intents and purposes, we’re broke. Busted. Chapter 11. The Democrats and Obama refuse to believe we have a problem. They want to raise the debt ceiling so they can waste even more money on meaningless crap.

The problem is, there are to many Republicans who think the same way. They have been spending and spending like there’s no tomorrow. Well guess what? Tomorrow has arrived.

The Tea Party Republicans understand this. They want to create structural changes in government, shrinking it and slashing the budget. The others, RINO’s hate and despise the Tea Party. McConnell, Boehner, McCain, none of them get it. They’ve been in office so long they are terrified of losing their little sinecures.

They are addicts. Nothing more and nothing less.

They will not learn or understand that the voters have had it. If the leaders of the Party of Stupid ((That would be the Republicans)) won’t listen, then it’s time to have an electoral intervention. Kick them OUT!

It’s time of the Tea Party to start finding primary opponents for these morons. It’s time to turn them out.

Oh, Dr. Krauthammer? I now place you in the same corner I’ve placed George Will and Peggy Noonan. You are now irrelevant. You have missed the point. Go away. No one is paying attention to you any more.

And as to you Mr. Senator John McCain, I have one thing to say about your latest screech railing against the Tea Party conservatives, I have but one thing to say to you.

Benedict Arnold was also a war hero.

You have all outlived your shelf life. You have gone past your expiration date. It’s time for you to pack up and LEAVE before you do any more damage.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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5 Responses to I can quit ANY TIME!

  1. I can quit ANY TIME! – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/4OoQ9lUzxn

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