“Second Gentleman” Doug Emhoff says talking about him punching women is “A Distraction.”

Good day all. I haven’t written anything about Doug Emhoff. He is the husband of Kamala Harris. Honestly, I considered him to be a complete loser who had no problem with Kamala prostituting herself to get ahead. Now things are coming out regarding the “Second Gentleman” that would have anyone else locked up.

As I mentioned above, I haven’t paid any attention to Doug Emhoff. Others have. It seems that he is a real piece of work. He knocked up a woman when he was married. (His first wife, not Harris) Now there is a report that Emhoff may have slapped around an ex-girlfriend. Here are those details from the Daily Mail:

Vice President Kamala Harris‘s husband assaulted his ex-girlfriend, three friends have told Dailymail.com.

Insert really?

The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.

Now understand that, to my knowledge, this hasn’t been verified. It also happened in France and the laws on this sort of thing may be different from what we have in the United States.

One of her friends told DailyMail.com that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault.

The Daily Mail isn’t naming the victim and is only referring to her as Jane. Apparently, she’s a lawyer. (Which makes me wonder why she didn’t file charges)

A second friend said Jane, who had been dating Emhoff for three months, also told her about the alleged violence at the time.

A third friend told DailyMail.com that Jane first told her in 2014 that she had dated Emhoff, and recounted the full story of his alleged abuse in 2018, when then senator Harris was in the news after grilling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a Senate hearing over sexual assault allegations.

The friends, who all asked not to be named for fear of retaliation by Emhoff, shared with DailyMail.com pictures of him and Jane together from 2012, and other documents and communications corroborating elements of the story.

I can understand why the friends are nervous about coming forward as named sources. I can think of several reasons. First, it might unintentionally name the victim of the assault, who doesn’t seem to want to come forward. Second, they probably have a real concern regarding retaliation. We’ve seen how the Department of (In)Justice has been weaponized by Merritt Garland to go after anyone who is seen as a threat to the Democrat Elite and the Deep State.

At least Emhoff hasn’t said that these people may have information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of Felonia von Pantsuit. We all know what happens to these people.

In any case, Emhoff was interviewed, if you can call it that, on MSNBC. He fell back to the Progressive Liberal Democrats favorite dodge, misinformation. Here are those details from the Washington Examiner:

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff claims that he is not letting “misinformation” about his and his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris‘s, past life “distract” her presidential campaign.

In an excerpt of an interview for MSNBC’s Morning Joe shared on Friday, Emhoff was asked about why he believes former President Donald Trump does not want to debate Harris again. He claimed that the former president would rather spread a “fog of misinformation and disinformation and gaslighting.”

In other words, President Trump is pointing out some very uncomfortable facts and since the Democrats can’t refute them, they just claim it’s all misinformation. (I’m waiting for them to say it’s all Russian disinformation, but that’s probably being held in reserve when something really bad comes out, like another laptop)

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough then said how Trump had mentioned the “tabloid stories” about Emhoff’s personal life and Harris’s past personal life as part of the alleged “disinformation,” and Scarborough asked Emhoff how he is able to “stay disciplined” with the claims levied at him and his wife.

We don’t have time to be pissed off. We don’t have time to focus on it; it’s all a distraction. It’s designed to try to get us off our game,” Emhoff responded.

How nice. This tool considers people talking about him allegedly smacking a woman around to be a distraction. From where I sit, I consider it a felony, but then I don’t go around hitting women. Now to be fair, Emhoff has denied that this happened and unless there is a lot more evidence, we have to presume he is innocent.

Trump bemoaned Emhoff being used as a male role model by the Harris campaign while being interviewed by Ben Shapiro, noting a different MSNBC interview by Jen Psaki that did not address the allegations. The former president said that if those allegations were made about him, then “it would be the greatest story in the last five years.”

Actually there were and the a bogus civil suit was filed and won by a woman who has a known history of making things up. The court said that no actual attack took place but said that something else happened and gave the little gold digger millions. (I am going by memory and haven’t reviewed the case in a long while so details may not be accurate) That is under appeal and considering, once again, all the technical errors by the court, along with not allowing exculpatory evidence to presented, is probably going to be overturned.

Trump has also previously mentioned Harris’s relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in the 1990s as a means of attacking his opponent’s career.

President Trump is just repeating known facts regarding Harris sleeping her way to the top. As I recall, Brown himself said that he helped out Harris in her career while he was screwing her. In any case, there are reasons I think that this allegation may hold the ring of truth. Emhoff appears to be a typical Progressive Liberal Democrat Elitist, He’s also an entertainment lawyer, among other things. I suspect he’s one of those types that don’t think the rules actually apply to him.

At this point in time, the ball, as it were, is in the alleged victim’s court. She’s the one who needs to go forward with this. Honestly, if the allegations are true, she should have hammered him back when it happened. The delay, unless there was a legitimate reason, such as concern of her personal safety, makes things look like a “He said, She said” deal. Still between this and Emhoff’s knocking some woman up who was not his wife don’t help his reputation at all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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