Collage student refuses to be a target

Good day all, Angry Webmaster here. I was reading Fox news when I saw that a Philadelphia college student with a permit to carry a firearm off-campus exchanged gunfire Monday with a teen accused of trying to rob him.

The student, Robert Eells, was wounded in the attack, but did manage to plug his assailant.

More from Fox:

Authorities say 21-year-old Temple University student Robert Eells had a license to carry the weapon and will not face any charges in the incident.

Damn straight he shouldn’t facing any charges. The only one facing charges is the punk who tried to rob him.

The suspect allegedly tried to rob Eels in front of his off-campus house in an early-morning encounter Monday. When Eels refused to give the teen money, the suspect started shooting, authorities said. Eels, who was shot in the stomach, fired back, hitting the teen in the chest and leg

My prayers, for what their worth, are with Mr. Eells and we hope he suffered very minor injuries and has a speedy, pain free recovery.

For the little punk who shot him? We hope you have a long, slow and extremely painful lingering death recovery. With a little bit of neglect, a truly horrible infection that is resistant to antibiotics will set in.

Police have charged the 15-year-old suspect, but say they are still determining just what happened in the double-shooting north of the city campus.

What’s to determine? Stupid punk points a gun at someone and gets shot for his trouble. Oh I know, they need to determine if Mr. Eells needs to work on his marksmanship. The little punk is still breathing.

Students are not allowed to carry firearms on the campus of Temple University, a school spokesman told the newspaper.

And that’s a problem. What would the outcome have been if this yeast infection his mother calls “Son” had tried to pull this on campus? More than likely you would have one dead student and one healthy two legged herpes looking for his next victim. When will these incompetent leftist academics understand that the best defense is a good pistol?

No, those types think Neville Chanberlain had the right idea when he waved that piece of paper around.

How did that work out for the world? About as well as your gun free campuses do in protecting your students from criminals.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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