Drunken elk rescued from apple tree

Good evening all. It’s the Angry Webmaster here with something very different. Would you care to guess what its about? *Hint* Read the title. 🙂

In a change from my usual ranting, raving, doom and gloom postings, I thought I would put something up a little bit different. In this case, I found this story about a poor alcoholic elk in need of an intervention.

From The Local, Sweden’s News in English:

A drunken elk desperate for just one more mouthful of fermenting apples lost its balance in the attempt, leaving it stuck in an apple tree in western Sweden.

Now I’ve had to get the occasional cat out of a tree, and once, a dog. But an Elk?

Drunken elk are common in Sweden during the autumn season when there are plenty of apples lying around on the ground and hanging from branches in Swedish gardens.

Wow, that’s a new one on me! Blitzen got himself totally Blitzed! I wonder how Santa’s going to handle this? You can’t have a drunken Elk hauling around a sleigh. Think of the navigation hazards? Why if he causes Santa and the others to have an accident? And what kind of an example is he setting for young Rudolph?

Yeah, I think a few of Anger Central’s fans may have had a couple of nights like this one, Why there was this time in China….No, I’m not going to go THERE!! 😉

After emergency services had ascertained that the animal was still alive, Johansson was told to keep an eye on it and call the hunter straight away if it seemed to be suffering.

But by the morning the hungover animal had stood up and cautiously moved a few metres away.

I bet that elk wished a hunter had shown up. That hangover must have been a killer!

~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to Drunken elk rescued from apple tree

  1. Drunken elk rescued from apple tree – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/F6BvC4SxXn

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